OCUK's new website

I much preferred the previous layout and felt that was part of what set OcUK apart from the crowd. It was clean, aesthetically pleasing and very easy to navigate. Most of all, it looked professional. This new layout is cluttered, I don't like the drop down menus across the top and it looks a bit cheap.

Just my humble opinion!

edit: Also what's up with the asterisk and then having to scroll down to see inc VAT, just put that next to the actual price?
Glad to see some of you are liking it, expected some to dislike it too as a big change to something that was already there is "uncomfortable" or some things may not be how you like it. I'm sure the team will be extremely busy over the next weeks, trying to keep as many people happy as possible. :)
It's a bit messy for a 2015 revamp & will take some getting used to but product searching is easier & presumably it suits their business needs better.
Don't like it :( Looks too much like every other shop site now - the old layout and navigation was great and looked really professional.
It's always the same with change, many people will dislike it simply because it's different. However on this occasion I must say that the older website was far cleaner looking, a real shame you didn't follow a similar style.
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