OCUK's new website

The old site worked, was simple and effective.

I don't like this new one at all.

I want to quickly browse products,deals and prices, not read how wonderful you think you are or **** about with social media.

The simplicity of the old site was a strength over your competitors, if it ain't broke and all that......
The last site was very clear and not overly busy where as the new has too much going on causing my eye to be dragged all over but at the same time at nothing in particular.

Having played around a bit on the new site it feels more like a certain competitors one which I hate to use and often cba to navigate. Not quite as bad but has the same feelings when first visited.

Graphics and placement wise for me the top grey/silver bar has too much gradient effect going on and would look better flatter and end at the edge of the main body with the background ad moved up. Second to this on the near top left add a component list menu. But thats just my feelings.

Did a very quick example of what I mean in PS.


Bigger image in spoiler.
just noticed it and I think the forum needs the same treatment however it is an eyesore imho, it's like whoever designed it likes playing 64 player operation Metro
I'll get used to it I guess, I'm not keen though. The old site was one of the best out there for ease of use.

One if the menus sits over my phone screen on the left side, in mobile and desktop view.
Speak for yourself OP!, it doesn't work on my phone properly, the answer that a mobile version is coming soon is pretty lame, surely this should have been sorted prior to launch rather than after?

It's too busy, the old site was imo a model in simplicity and was very effective - and was the vehicle which put ocuk where it is today.

Glaringly similar to some competitors sites, not a forward step imo.

No doubt the forums will be screwed up in due course!

As a long standing forum / site user and customer, I'm disappointed.
Am I tripping? I see no difference!

Edit: you mean the shop and not the forum, I see now.

It looks alright but the buttons are a bit crap, preferred the old layout

It'll take some getting used to.
Maybe a bit heavy side banner as loads of wasted space.

No competitor hinting. Thank you.
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