Oculus Quest (Santa Cruz)

So it turns out it's using OLED panels which is great news. Lots more tech specs on this article:
...displays are OLED with a PenTile sub-pixel layout, Oculus confirmed to Road to VR, which brings many of the same upsides and downsides that you’d expect from the Rift’s displays. For instance, OLED gives rich colors and deep blacks, but you’ll see ghosting in high-contrast scenes.
Like others have said, if this thing can pull off games like Beat Sabre and Super Hot with no issues, this will be a day one purchase for me, and this would be my first headset purchase. So that's good news for the Oculus marketing team! Features and price are spot on.

Oculus GO was just too casual, Vive Pro not worth the price for minimal gains. Pimax could be the king, but wont touch one for at least a year after release and watching reviews.
(I've used the Vive and Rift and im still confused how people can game with such low res. I'm a high-res junkie I guess!)
There’s a clip doing the rounds showing a side by side comparison of the graphics between the Quest and Rift version of Dead and Buried, they look very close, in an albeit compressed video.
If the Quest gets:
Beat Sabre
Rec Room
Echo Arena
Echo Combat
Along with the confirmed titles, I’ll likely buy this day one, complete wireless VR freedom! Yes I know the graphics will be scaled down, but I play on low setting with a card that scrapes the minimum requirement for the Rift anyway, and unlike flat gaming, the graphics don’t bother me because the immersion VR brings takes over.

I have my hopes up, and I’m very excited to see the software line up
I won't be buying one (got a Rift already) but if Oculus markets this thing right I can see it being a huge success. They need to bribe some of the the big electronics retailers to host VR demo areas in their stores; I'm pretty sure 10 minutes playing Robo Recall or Beat Sabre and people will be throwing money at them.
If anyone wants to read a quite detailed write up from trying out the Quest and comparing it to Rift at Oculus Connect 5, there's a reddit post here. I'm sure it will answer a lot of questions people have.
Well I for one am definitely interested in the quest. I do already own the Rift and will continue to use it but I have friends who are not really gamers who've tried my Rift and thought it was fantastic but would never fork out for a decent PC and make the necessary room space to utilize it.
The Quest on the other hand tick's all the right boxes for them, where it should (hopefully) provide a reasonable Rift like experience with out all the hassle and cost of a PCVR set-up.
Looks like the hand tracking works better than WMR when the controllers go out of view. Won't be as good as Vive or Rift, but will be plenty good enough for most experiences.
could/do they not switch over to IMU and gyro sensing when optical tracking is lost so they can extrapolate the position?

They already do that and even the Rift does that, the sensors essentially are for constantly recalibrating the IMU's to correct any IMU drift. After a second or two of the sensor being out of sight though the IMU will be drifting too much for tracking to continue to be accurate, so it's up to game devs to keep this in mind.
People were doing behind the back shots in the demo tennis game, so the controllers going out of sensor view for short periods of time doesn't look like a problem at all.
Isn’t the pentile pixel layout what is causing differences in clarity (ie poorer) on the Pimax 8k when it’s compared to the 5K+ ? And Oculus Quest may be a crap name but nowhere near as confusing as Pimax’s choice of 8k when it’s a 1440p signal upscaled to 2x 4K ... lost track of the number of times I’ve had to explain in forums/discussions that I know it’s not truly 8k....
People were doing behind the back shots in the demo tennis game, so the controllers going out of sensor view for short periods of time doesn't look like a problem at all.

According to the dev talk on converting from Rift to Quest, there are significant occlusion issues if your hands move behind your back or too far off to the sides. The cameras will track for short periods, but, for example, holding onto a wall behind you in Echo Arena and pushing off probably won't work. Also things like dual wielding two guns in opposite directions then looking towards one gun will cause the other to lose tracking. Devs will be able to work around these issues to some extent, but tracking will never be as good as the rift and games are going to have to be designed around those limitations.
Also unlike the Rift, the controllers can occlude if held closely on top of each other, which might make some interactions harder (changing magazines in shooters for example).

It just remains to be seen if the freedom to move around greatly offsets the tracking limitations of the controllers.
Hmm does anyone see this as a viable replacement for the Rift with 3 sensors? Anyone personally picking one up to replace?
Hmm does anyone see this as a viable replacement for the Rift with 3 sensors? Anyone personally picking one up to replace?
Possibly, but it’s very early doors yet, I’m looking to see what games are coming out for it, but I’m very excited, PCVR is amazing right now, but I have said it in the past, the only way VR will truly take off, if there are standalone console esq headets, this will be the 1st of many
Hmm does anyone see this as a viable replacement for the Rift with 3 sensors? Anyone personally picking one up to replace?

It's a GO replacement rather than Rift but it's certainly a step in the right direction. Portability and convenience are huge selling points. I took the GO into work and colleagues who had never experienced VR were blown away, some now looking at purchasing themselves.

I think VR is hard to sell without trying it and that's why the uptake is slow.

Also noticed when people were trying for the first time some said it looked terrible and blurry and just wanted to take it off, after getting them to adjust how the headset was sitting and finding the sweet spot I couldn't get them off it :D
It's a GO replacement rather than Rift

It's not really a Go replacement, as it's not as portable, plus it's half the price. I've got a Go and due to the fabric strap it's very portable. It'll fit into small bags and is very robust. The laser pointer style controller takes up virtually no space, and is easy to store. I have a small hard case for mine that carries the Go, controller, an Xbox One gamepad, charger and a 20,000mah powerbank. You can easily use the Go in the back of a car, on a train or plane as you can just stick it on your head, hold a button to orient the view and controller and you're done.

The Quest has a semi-rigid headband. That's going to make it harder to transport as you'll need a bigger bag/case to hold it and the larger controllers. Also getting into VR properly might take time as you will initially have to setup the area where you're going to use it. It's still way more portable than the Rift, but is not as convenient for travelling or media consumption as the Go. (Though the Quest's OLED displays will give much better colour repro than the Go).
Can it play 1080p/4k films? If so, I think that alone is quite good for cinema modes given the resolution bump.

I'd buy it just for that tbh.

I kind of wish they offered some form of wireless tech for the rift at this point.
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