C'mon Beat Sabre on the train commute home will be epic
C'mon Beat Sabre on the train commute home will be epic
...displays are OLED with a PenTile sub-pixel layout, Oculus confirmed to Road to VR, which brings many of the same upsides and downsides that you’d expect from the Rift’s displays. For instance, OLED gives rich colors and deep blacks, but you’ll see ghosting in high-contrast scenes.
could/do they not switch over to IMU and gyro sensing when optical tracking is lost so they can extrapolate the position?
People were doing behind the back shots in the demo tennis game, so the controllers going out of sensor view for short periods of time doesn't look like a problem at all.
Possibly, but it’s very early doors yet, I’m looking to see what games are coming out for it, but I’m very excited, PCVR is amazing right now, but I have said it in the past, the only way VR will truly take off, if there are standalone console esq headets, this will be the 1st of manyHmm does anyone see this as a viable replacement for the Rift with 3 sensors? Anyone personally picking one up to replace?
Hmm does anyone see this as a viable replacement for the Rift with 3 sensors? Anyone personally picking one up to replace?
It's a GO replacement rather than Rift