Some people still use the CV1, and to be honest, if you have a 3 sensor setup its tracking is probably the best out there and the CV1 touch controllers are perfectly balanced. It's also a very lightweight and comfy headset. The only reason I wanted to upgrade from mine (which I still have) is the very low resolution.
Just bought one of these bad boys, brand new in box..... Wireless PCVR yeah baby!
I wanted one of those back in the day, but the cost was more than the headset.
Picked this one up for £66. Cheaper than CEX. Surprisingly, the battery had 50% charge left. Time to test it out with the default software. The lack of microphone functionality isn't an issue but we'll see how bad the frame drops are before I put openTPCast on it.
After spending ages getting my old Rift working on a new AMD 7800 XT (HDMI connection not detected) for no obvious reason one of my sensors stopped working.
It won't even detect as connected in Windows 10 device manager.
Thinking it might be the cable I took it apart/destroyed it and tested with a new one but still nothing, even tested the old cable with an external hard drive and it worked fine.
Could anyone please tell me if there's a known issue and easy fix or is it probably just knackered?
Thanks very much for the reply Drakulton, seems you're the resident expert on the CV1.
No, the LED on top doesn't come on.
Was hoping I wouldn't have to sink any more money into 9 year old tech that I've barely used but they're cheap enough to maybe get a couple for a 4 sensor setup.
Got the itch to try VR again and thought it best to use what I've already got before getting a newer headset.
Thanks for the link.