please excuse the fail iPhone pics


sandforce goodness



we are having a few prolems getting the drive running properly
i think it is me being a noob in fairness but we are in contact with OCZ trying to resolve the problem.

i will follow with the full results as soon as i get word back from OCZ :)
What sort of problem are you having?

completes install, then restarts, goes back in to finalise the installation, then bsods the system. i think it is me messing it up in fairness.

like i say i am feeding back to ocz [Tony, their head tech for ssd is helping me] to find out what the issue is but the time difference means it may take a while.
I should know more tomorrow

to be honest i have been really busy today so havent had much chance to play with it :(

NathWraith is going to have a go with it later and see if he can solve the issue
I remember reading (I think!) about those type of problems with the first boards/batch/prototype thingies. I thought they'd cured the problems before releasing them!
Shame as they do seem rather good :).
I never had this issue on the Z-Drive... Installed fine.. Just looks like one of them went faulty. After a few benchies it went from 1580/1590 to about 850/860 :( Swapped in the new card and ran well over double the benchmarks and performed superbly at an almost constant 1580/1590 :eek: I did run them in raid (Software RAID0 in W7Pro) but the performance only went up to about 1890/1890 so i would suggest somewhere along the line there is a i/o bottleneck even with i7 [email protected]... Maybe it needs something like a Tyan Dual Xeon board with Dual PCIe controllers to sort...
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