Off topic thread

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Dear Sone

Please could you post more details about your car...age, colour, spec, purchase price, (or just a link) for those that haven't seen your other posts about the car. THANKS BUDDY :D

You forgot about the duck.

Quite clearly more important seeing as it was your second observation.

:p :D
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Dad has left the building he is going to Sweden first to visit friends :)
Thank you for the friend thing Nath.
MJT you had a lucky escape there.
Its a small place he is going to called Helsingborg his friends have a boat and stuff there i think it will be tranquil for him its what he needs.
The danger photos will be from Thailand when he goes to visit his uncle :)
Is it just me or has this thread taken a proper nose dive over the last week or so?

Actually, the entire forum as a whole seems a bit... Crap.
Was following an RS4 today, was doing about 75-80 in the fast lane, he wasn't pulling over and it was pretty much clear in both lanes. He finally pulled over after about 2 miles. I dropped it down to 4th, flew past, and caught the police checkered shoulder patch out of the corner of my eye. Lifted off and let the car slowly come back down to 80ish and pulled into the inside lane. He pulled up beside me and mouthed "sloooooooow dooooown". So this is just a big thank you to who ever that was. Ironically, 2 miles down the road he had pulled someone else over.

On a slightly irrelevant note, wasn't it illegal for him to be doing 80~ anyway?
Please tell me what the duck is. I simply won't sleep.

I'm guessing its a Staffordshire / Stokie thing.

Around these parts (Stoke-on-Trent) its common to be called "Duck" be you male or female.

I reckon his duck sig is a pointer toward his roots at a wild guess.... :)

That said, when I met Sone, he actually lived in Newcastle-under-Lyme rather than Stoke, so, I could be talking balls...... :o:D
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Is it just me or has this thread taken a proper nose dive over the last week or so?

Actually, the entire forum as a whole seems a bit... Crap.

Just you, forum has been fine, as has this thread.

Invader, could you give me some coaching please? I find I get bad too much at work. :(

Just...don't let it get to you, easier said than done obviously but the main element is there. :)
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