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The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)


OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are they worth considering? Be quite miffed if I spent £200 on something just for it to break 4 months later

They come with a 12 month warranty but I reckon you would be stuffed under SOGA if it breaks after.

I would rather spend the £50 extra and buy a new one and be covered by SOGA for 5-6 years.

I would buy the fifa 16 bundle on HUKD, sell fifa on members market or ebay for £35 as well as the code for a couple of quid.

Personally I've been looking for ages and nothing beats the elite on gamestop is it for £370.

Bare in mind your getting the £130 controller plus the 1TB hybrid drive (which they normally charge a £100 premium for the normal 1TB drive) so you could say it's worth more than that albeit the drive itself is like £80.

take away £200 from £370 and it means the console itself is like £170.

I know that is a weird way to look at it but the elite bundle really is the best deal atm. It's brand new as well.
Quidco has a special deal atm until the end of today. You get £50 cashback on any xb1 console bought from microsoft store.

I personally went for the elite meaning after cashback (which tracks initially @ £10 then updates to £50 after confirmation) is £350.

Bare in mind it's the £130 controller. Meaning you get a brand new console plus a 1TB hybrid drive for £220.
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