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What's the best price @ retail on XO?

e: seems to be £40 retail with trade in value for £16 but will probably be less by the time I finish it making it about the same value?!
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Why would you? Buy retail for little more and have it for resell value?
I very rarely resell games. By the time I'm finished with them, they're worth so little there's no point.

I'd much rather have the convenience of not having to swap discs around when I want to play another game. Also being able to continue playing on friend's/family's Xbox without them needing to have the game is an added bonus.

I still buy most AAA games on disc just because they continue to be significantly cheaper at release time. Something I can never quite fathom...
Resogun £4 on Psn and season pass £3.45. Brought both last night, really enjoying. Also Super Stardust is half price £5.

Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition (PS4) 17,99

it includes ps3 and vita!!!

Hotlinked image.
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