****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Yep, this game can be very hardcore compared to bc2 or cod. If anyone wants to add me, ingame name is. [ocuk]setter.

Hey setter, are on steam? If so please add me, physichull, i need to talk to somebody who might have a clue about my graphics card problem! Posted on the graphics forum earlier but nobody replied yet.
Jesus can't you change the FOV in SP? I feel like I'm using a scope just walking around it's crazy. I really like the 870 shotgun, shame about the JVC video camera on top rather than iron sights. Finding it hard to enjoy the game due to the FOV :(
Played the singleplayer again and i loved it the second time playing it, i appear to rush games when i first play them and i have no idea why that is, but this game is definitely a unique Modern Warfare shooter and imo, is better than CoD, despite i like CoD's singleplayer storyline.

I'm also playing the multiplayer again until BF:3 comes out, and not raging at games is really helping me play well and enjoy the game.

Loving this game again.
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ive already got BC2 so is this worth buying now its cheap?
its £6 on direct2drive, is it all levelling up and unlocking weapons etc?
I would say so yes.

It is so similar to bc2 though, if you're playing multiplayer you might just load up bc2 instead as it is the superior game.

But £6, you will not regret that I don't think.
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