****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Mulitplayer. I like it because...Its basic. Its real stripped down. Theres no OTT killstreaks, no OTT customization...its just plain and simple shooting and for me it just seems calmer, slower pace than COD and BFBC2...maybe it can get boring then quick but its a nice change off pace.

Spot on. If BF3 was a mixture between this and BC2, then we would have the perfect game. MOH2010 actually promotes teamwork, can be a bit of a snipe fest at times though.
Single player fails for me :p Got 2 the second level and it won't load half of the map O.o I just fall through the floor and die :D

I actually quite enjoyed the SP, it was quite engrossing, but it was short! For those that made it to the end, there will be a sequel to the story!
Funnily I seem to do better in MP in this than MW2.

however I do ok on MW1 and BFBC2 but MW2 is just too OTT and frantic for me I think.

I aint played for months. Gonna play tonight. Ill need to fidn my name, I thnk its JKViperXXX....need to double check though. If u wanna add me
You may be going the wrong way if you are getting one shotted a lot......you really are a bullet sponge on easy. Is it the bit where you are sneaking around the compound? There are some bits there that you *have* to stealth.
You may be going the wrong way if you are getting one shotted a lot......you really are a bullet sponge on easy. Is it the bit where you are sneaking around the compound? There are some bits there that you *have* to stealth.

I found the compound bit a bit bugged, spent ages just wandering round waiting for the scripting to kick in bit it never did so I was stuck on that mission!

Eventually managed to get through it though.

Theres a battle later on where your squad is cut off and you get absolutely battered by the enemy on all sides. I had many restarts on that level. Difficult stuff.
Not saying it is a bad game but for myself, soo far, it just seems too linear.

I am refering to the SP campaign, not the multiplayer.
Just finished the SP.
Really enjoyed it. The start and menus etc are a bit cliche and tbh I thought it was going to be a total ripoff of MW etc. However once the game and missions develop it takes on it's own character. some cracking shoot outs and cutscenes. I would say I enjoyed this more than MW2 but not as much as MW.
My only gripes are there could be more damage done to vehicles and buildings. Emptying a mag at a truck really should smash it up. although later on you can cut trees done with a decent machine gun.
Also if you get lost or miss hearing your order/message it can be awkward to know what/where to go. BFBC was great if you hung around as the script betwen Hags and Sweets was hilarious. MoH is very much a current affair and not tongue in cheek.
It seems as the game gets further along the devs really start getting into the game and up the ante.
Biggest complaint? Too bloomin' short by far! I was getting really into it.
Same i know quite a few of the TFU guys are playing this again... even got me back on it! Great game and expect if you can get a good standard of play in this then BF3 should be a walk in the park lol!
Had a go on the multiplayer to this earlier and I have to confess, I rather enjoyed it. Wasn't much of a fan of the sector control mode or whatever its called but the one where you have to take points which open up a new part of the map (or defend them depending on which team your on) is superb. Seems pretty damn harsh though on new comers as the starting weapons and kit are abit lame compared to what some of the vets have and you can tell from some of the scores you see with people getting insanely high K:D ratios.
Yep, this game can be very hardcore compared to bc2 or cod. If anyone wants to add me, ingame name is. [ocuk]setter.
When i bought this first back in Xmas sale or when ever it was. Didn't like the game SP or MP.

But the last few days gave it another go. Thought why not. and to my liking im enjoying it now. Of course It has it's flaws, but kinda liking the game. which is unsual for me.
Oh well
I could swear a lot of people are running texture hacks on this game and i find the guns really clunky for some reason.

I just wish Homefront had the graphics of MOHA. A much better Multiplayer than moha, blops, and BC2.
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