****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

This is pathetic, how is it these moronic companies NEVER seem to be able to anticipate that there might be a demand for something like this? They should have got the hint that their gunclub site has been slow as hell over the last couple of days and put more servers online. But noo, they can't do that, they have to wait till the site is crashing left right and center and then try and claim they never expected the demand for the product theyre currently hawking. :rolleyes:
How can I get into the BETA guys? Is it similar to BC2 where I can pre-order, get a key, and then cancel? If not, anyone got any spare keys? :p
pre order it from EA store for a beta key now or elsewhere and get one on the 21st
Got it preordered from the ea store, but with the way things are going with the code redemption site, it may well be the 21st before i get access to the beta.:D
LOL you cant make it up honestly. I finally get to enter it takes me to the next page and says.

Your code has allready been used. To say im raging is an understatement of the frigging century.
LOL you cant make it up honestly. I finally get to enter it takes me to the next page and says.

Your code has allready been used. To say im raging is an understatement of the frigging century.

Same as me, been in chat for ages and the guy asked his head tech dude about the problem and apparently it's a common one :rolleyes:

They are e-mailing me back the solution in a few hours....
Forums full of it, they really the worst company at doing launches. What a dumb idea of two different codes just to get into the bloomin thing in the first place.
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