In all seriousness it might be worth going to an arcade if you've got one nearby and seeing if you can have a word with someone about what kind of game is the most used all round? I'd expect different tastes between us computer enthusiast forum users and a diverse office.
I know when I used to live near The Four Thieves and went with my wife and her friends they'd find the skeeball critter racing game the easiest to dip into as opposed to say DDR or the weird table ice hockey they have there. Obviously a whole bank of competing skeeball tables isn't on the cards here but thought it was interesting what stood out to the non gamers.
I know when I used to live near The Four Thieves and went with my wife and her friends they'd find the skeeball critter racing game the easiest to dip into as opposed to say DDR or the weird table ice hockey they have there. Obviously a whole bank of competing skeeball tables isn't on the cards here but thought it was interesting what stood out to the non gamers.