**Official** Aion RELEASE Thread

The game was ok,but i suffered from ridiculous lag in Sanctum. FPS were locked at 60 aswell)

The made me quit the game on more than one occasion.
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Excellent! Haven't had a chance to play it since I upgraded, Sanctum used to be practically unplayable.

It's true about it being the flying game that does its best to stop you flying though :)
I recently unsubbed due to SW:ToRs imminent release but always suspected it would go F2P. The game, since 2.5, is probably the best MMo out there, no grind tons of Quests and content and fantastic visuals.
Typical! I stripped all my chars, disenchanted all my armor and gave away all my gold a few months back -_-
no way am I downloading the 20gb again even if they have finally added a pvp arena.
What ever you do, don't roll a sin, the most broken class in all mmo's!

Completely wrong, since 2.5 Sins are uber deadly and with 2.7 they got buffed even more so, every class in Aion can become OP, if played correctly and obviously equipped.

Was thinking of a ranger did they fix the jump shot? lol

There's no real advantage to the animation glitch for jump shots, but the ranger at max level only needs 4 skills in rotation to melt most players before they can react ;)
Your right if you had enough luck and kinah to get all your armor to +15.
If you are tempted to play a sin, then make sure its not asmodian as the eylos get one extra silence which makes all the difference in Pvp.
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Free to play is starting today, apparently they're sticking to an estimate of "this afternoon" as they can't promise anything with the amount of data to migrate. The current website for F2P is http://www.aionfreetoplay.com/website/ (this is due to be updated when servers go live).

You'll be able to play on the old servers, with all your old charaters (if you chose to migrate the account before the transfer started). Personally I'm looking forward to starting fresh, as I had a lot of breaks from aion. Also I'm predicting most new/returning players will want to start new (so they aren't immediately out leveled/geared etc by vets).

For me this is a chance to see if Aion can be what it was meant to be, huge siege and pvp warfare on a regular basis, the reduction in subs ruined the atmosphere and essence of the game originally.
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