while googling AMD PII and RAM I came across a Toms Hardware item benching the various speeds and settings .. appears there is little benefit to 1600Mhz ram over 1333Mhz unless the 1600 has equally tight timings .. thats a generalisation of course
to quote it
Our general opinion of high-end memory is pretty straightforward: premium RAM is highly important if you’re trying to squeeze the last bit of performance out of your system. In such a case you may even require high-end RAM to be able to support hardcore overclocked processor settings. However, the performance benefit delivered just by the main memory is typically small, making premium memory a must-have primarily for the affluent enthusiast market-only.
Our results show that faster memory and quicker timings both introduce performance advantages that are mostly visible in synthetic benchmarks, while the impact on real-life performance usually is small. Games benefit just a little, and you need applications that intensively tax the memory to find serious performance benefits.
While DDR3-1600 operating under tight timings will undoubtedly give you the best performance, and DDR3 below 1066 should not be used for the sake of performance, the best compromise clearly is DDR3-1333 at reasonable timings. In most benchmarks, the difference between 1600 and 1333 speeds is negligible, but 1333 would still give you a larger benefit than the tiny gap between 1333 and 1600. In addition, DDR3-1333 is about to become the performance mainstream level, meaning acceptable prices for low-latency memory kits.
end quote
no sure the article is relevant as it maybe old
if you look at the benchies early in the review it shows milliseconds difference that wont show in the real world I would have thought.... so if having RAM troubles run it at 1333Mhz for better stability and less strain on the IMC
as for the temps ... mine tend to stay under 50C in normal everyday use but I would still like to know what TMPIN2 is as thats averaging 10C higher than the cpu temp
hope all that isnt gibberish and completely inaccurate or I will look an even worse noob