I occasionally use c4 when no one on my team is planting etc. Has anyone tried those tank mines? I reckon putting 6 or so then dashing a grenade or shooting it would do the trick!
Yes, they also work. But you need about 12.
I occasionally use c4 when no one on my team is planting etc. Has anyone tried those tank mines? I reckon putting 6 or so then dashing a grenade or shooting it would do the trick!
Do you guys arm the crate after you've planted the C4?
That way you get a bunch of them rushing in to disarm, and you can bring the house down on their heads.
Do you guys arm the crate after you've planted the C4?
Ugh, that's right up there with being a sniper and finding a super little hidey hole that none of the enemy have seemed to notice, then having some rambo spawn on you and advertising your position by staying put and emptying clip after clip of ammo all over the place until the inevitable mortar strike puts an end to both of you.Yes but invariably you get some loon who comes running in and arms the M-COM before you have finished putting your C4 on. Hence you then get killed before you've finished laying the charges as they are alerted to your presence.
Ugh, that's right up there with being a sniper and finding a super little hidey hole that none of the enemy have seemed to notice, then having some rambo spawn on you and advertising your position by staying put and emptying clip after clip of ammo all over the place until the inevitable mortar strike puts an end to both of you.
Man I hate that.
Ended up buying onslaught mode and it's very enjoyable and very challenging. Any other folks on here bought it?