*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

Does anyone still get kicked and the message "Your connection to the server was lost"?? (PS3).

I've googled and there's loads of threads about it but no fixes. Anyone got any ideas?

ALL the time. And it doesn't happen on Xbox 360. So it can't be my network connection. It has to be the PS3 code. Never found any solution either. DICE are stumped - ever since it started with Battlefield 1943.
anyone else getting the Vietnam Expansion at the end of the year ??? love all the battlefield games so its a given that am getting it lol hope theres a radio in the vehicles again
is onslaught worth it then with randoms :confused: not many of my mates play BC2 any more the infidels have gone back to MW2
Since when did Atacama Desert get a rush mode? I was like a fish out of water when it came up for the first time this morning.
I thought it was conquest only :confused:

It was. But now it isn't. Maybe it's VIP map pack 3 activation?

EDIT: Ah, yes. Consulting the store it's VIP Map pack 4 - Atacama Desert Rush, Port Valdez Conquest, release 7/7/10.
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New VIP pack?!
Awesome, I was having a great time yesterday in hardcore mode, I'm trying to get my C4 kills badge and possibly the MCOM destroy badge. Lots of exploding going on!
Suicides aplenty though...
Dunno but I'm not complaining - it's somewhere new to play on Rush. It's damned hard though. Really needs team co-ordination.
Has there been any more news on the Vietnam expansion? Also I wish they would bring out new maps, instead of just giving some maps different modes.
Please please oh please will you guys tell me how to get a game with more than 15 players in!!!!!!!

Ive played most battlefield since 1942 on all formats and i do quite like bad company 2. Im level 30 and still happy with the game but ill be lucky to find even a half full game which makes me so sad :(

Had a 1v1 earlier lol.
I'm on xbox and havnt done any updates yet ( not even the one for onslaught update). Play about 12 hours a week and for the last 3 weeks i've only had 3 games with full 12v12. Usually play anywhere from 5pm to 11pm.
Started tonight on that, just been doing SDM on arica harbour, and got 7 destruction kills in 3 games!

altho a few suicides :D
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