medics a bit pointless otherwise.
I do seem to find it tougher than 1943 though, I did quite well on that, but on this I seem to get my ass kicked. I think 1943 felt a lot simpler with so few weapons and the maps were generally quite open.
Gamestation will give you £31 for MW2 if you printout the price from CEX.
GS are giving +20% trade in value on PS3/360 games that you trade in for BF:BC2, think it ends this week though.
Just encountered a lovely bug. My game finished, but before
it changed map, I lost connection to the servers. Now when I have reconnected, my profile has been reset to the beginning again. I have no unlocks, my rank has reset to rank 1 again, but my score on the leaderboard is what it used to be. I can't be bothered to rank up again so I won't be playing this for a few days. I was at rank 9 ffs. Stupid bugs.
Already tried that. No joy
Is online borked?...cant seem to join any games.
Enjoying this a lot. Hoping we can get a few more PS3 players and maybe even have a few private matches?