*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

I bought this game yesterday and have only played the first few SP missions and im loving it so far ;)

I was on the second mission i think (the one with the militia lumberyard) and went afk for a couple minutes, when i came back one of them was talking how his grandma got her dog high on pot. i was laughing for a good 5mins :D
i managed to get the red dot upgrade on the medic m249 i think but it doesnt appear when im aiming do i have to select it for the weapon?
Glad its back up and not lagging like hell!

Played a fair few games with you lot now, apologies if I don't use my mic some of the time, usually someone else here or just too monged to talk lol
i managed to get the red dot upgrade on the medic m249 i think but it doesnt appear when im aiming do i have to select it for the weapon?

You got the Red Dot for the medic class, not the M249. When you select the Medic class loadout, there should be an option in SPEC 1 for a Red Dot Sight :)
You got the Red Dot for the medic class, not the M249. When you select the Medic class loadout, there should be an option in SPEC 1 for a Red Dot Sight :)

ahhhh thanks man. Loving the maps on this. Some sweet sniping spots as well. Spot like mad :D Although at times the deathcam doesnt give you enough info to know where the enemy is. The m249 is a nice sprace n pray gun ehh :D i Just hold down r1 and scream. Got a few knife kills as well.

Ohh how do i tell if im a squad leader? I guess you need rank points for it?
Wow, i've well missed this game lol. I've seen threads, i've seen the excitement building for some members on here, but never looked into what it was.

Saw it on tv today, The Jinx files or something like that, And it looks pretty damn good! Its like COD4 with destructable environments, which in my book makes this game a definate purchase for me now.

Dear Battlefield fanatics, if my comparison to COD4 insulted you in someway I do apologise, I have never before encountered this game, but I do know COD4 and it seemed a logical comparison. xxx
I'm really enjoying the game too, but it has it's nags. For instance when you are against a team of snipers who just sit back and camp, snipe, and then take out the rush objectives by raining down morter. - LAME.

I also think in some instances it takes far too long to kill someone. I was using the SMG in the engineer class earlier and it seemed I had to empty half of my clip to shoot someone even if they were stood still and all the bullets registered.

In which time the element of supprise is lost and they can easily turn round and shoot you much quicker if they have an assault class.
I'm really enjoying the game too, but it has it's nags. For instance when you are against a team of snipers who just sit back and camp, snipe, and then take out the rush objectives by raining down morter. - LAME.

Without taking this too far off topic...What do you expect a sniper team to do exactly? They snipe...Thats the idea surely :p
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