Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
It seems like its ok in the days, but when people are coming home from work and logging on it all goes crazy, i'm getting kicked out of servers again now. I'm raging here now. Had the best round ever as well, killed about 6 people with 2 shotgun shells by blowing up one of the big fuel tanks while guys were behind it :) combat score of 3.5k plus 8k in awards at the end as a shotgun assault guy.
Thats quit amazing, my highest Marksman shot was also 133 :P That Conquest map with all the waist deep water, i was on one end of the map, he on the other, and kindly he just sat still while I fired off about 6 shots till I eventually got him haha

Heh, mine was the huge vehicle Conquest map with the Wrecked Ship in the middle that basically turns into a Tank campfest in the middle of the Bloom riddled desert.
Heh, mine was the huge vehicle Conquest map with the Wrecked Ship in the middle that basically turns into a Tank campfest in the middle of the Bloom riddled desert.

That's Apache territory right there, if they have a good heli-pilot all armour on the map is royally screwed long time on that map.
That's Apache territory right there, if they have a good heli-pilot all armour on the map is royally screwed long time on that map.

Maybe 1 of these days i'll get chance to fly an Apache... i should probably try joining that map on an empty server just to get some flying practice.
Anyone else getting anoyed by noob tubes yet?

Yeah, especially when you see some Rank 6 with 4x Gold Star on it :rolleyes:

Just got a 257!! Marksman Headshot Bonus - bullet drop was a full bar of M95 12x Scope - just by chance a fired a test shot to see the bullet drop and got it perfectly after that.
Been refreshing my favourite server list for over 5 min now, and the moment a spot becomes available on the TFU server it instantly becomes full again :(
Couple of days of play, albeit taking ages to find a server, now the PB init error constantly.

Waste of time pre-ordering, going back to MW2 till someones sorts it out :(
Finally got it, played half a round (was up to the 2nd set of m-com stations, 1 down, 1 to go) and then got TKd by a friendly sniper followed by an instant kick by an admin :(
We had 20 tickets left. They had 3. I had 20 kills, no deaths. I was hiding behind a broken ship waiting for the game to finish so I could pick up the award for getting at least 15 kills and 0 deaths, then I got knifed.

Brb, slamming face into wall.
Couple of days of play, albeit taking ages to find a server, now the PB init error constantly.

Waste of time pre-ordering, going back to MW2 till someones sorts it out :(

Shame to say but I agree. Just tried again and still PB kicking me. WTH do I have to do different to others to actually get more than 5 seconds into a gamer before it boots me.

Well I got on for a few minutes last night and got killed 99343844322332 times and missed everyone, so my BF2 skills are still intact. :D
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