Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Just how exactly does the tracer dart work with missles? i tend to fire the tracer then nip out line my shot up and fire at the tracks or rear, dont i need to do that with the tracer?
Snipers in hardcore is just retarded.

Someone plants a charge in an open MCOM, its impossible to diffuse unless the defending team all camps and snipes as well. What fun you snipers must have sitting around waiting to kill people.
Just how exactly does the tracer dart work with missles? i tend to fire the tracer then nip out line my shot up and fire at the tracks or rear, dont i need to do that with the tracer?

you need to hit it with the tracer dart then when you fire at the dart the missile locks on so you dont need to account for drop etc. also means you can get it down with a very very quick shot. i aways use the tracer dart with my medic. although hitting helis with the dart is about as difficult as hitting it with a rocket
i dont play hc i think its pointless personally.
however sniping in normal is really good fun.
and ofc getting headshots with the assault class is really important in normal and not so much in hc (although to get hs' with the assault rifles i have to put on a red dot sight (same with some of the lmg's cos their iron sights are pap))
M95 with MGM AM does 98.8 damage when 'far' = :(. No point using it if it still takes two shots to kill either way, and one shot when close either way.

Got a 125 Point Marksman Headshot last night though, was perfect!
I am guessing because no one has replied to the numerous times this has been asked no one actually knows what it does yet? :confused::confused:

Actually there has been numerous comments on the question. Nobody knows for sure but most people are reasonably sure that it automatically spots people when you pass the cursor over them.
Had a few games today, and i played really bad... i blame it on this god forsaken illness im having at the moment...

Still manged to keep my 2.0KD though... just...
How are the points for marksman headshots calculated? Is it the further away you are the more points?

Think so - can't remember the map name but it's the rush map where the starting point is an island, attackers get two Blackhawks.

We'd just moved up to the second base, I was still at spawn and hit one at there new spawn.
Just how exactly does the tracer dart work with missles? i tend to fire the tracer then nip out line my shot up and fire at the tracks or rear, dont i need to do that with the tracer?

when you land the tracer dart, the target will now show a little orange square on your HUD, like this [].

Aim your rocket launcher inside this square, and after a second the square will have a distance indicator. Once you have this distance indicator, you're locked on - point upwards/behind you/wherever, and the rocket will home in on the target :)

Once you get it, you'll wonder how you didn't get it :p
All servers need restarted again from this moring, they think they have fixed PB issues

Bad Company 2 - PunkBuster Update - Restart Your Server to Update it!
Mar 08 2010 12:47:10 by Killing
We've just installed a PunkBuster update for Bad Company 2 which will help DICE and Evenbalance to track down the INIT failure errors people are seeing.
If everyone could restart their servers to pick this up ASAP that would be appreciated. Anyone seeing the INIT failure after restart should raise a ticket with support so we can eliminate this issue ASAP.
All servers need restarted again from this moring, they think they have fixed PB issues

Bad Company 2 - PunkBuster Update - Restart Your Server to Update it!
Mar 08 2010 12:47:10 by Killing
We've just installed a PunkBuster update for Bad Company 2 which will help DICE and Evenbalance to track down the INIT failure errors people are seeing.
If everyone could restart their servers to pick this up ASAP that would be appreciated. Anyone seeing the INIT failure after restart should raise a ticket with support so we can eliminate this issue ASAP.

no they don't think they've found or fixed the PB issue. Read the statement carefully. They're just shoving in more debug info.
So is it true the EA servers are still borked?
Desperate for a game tonight after the weekend trauma.....

Nope, everything seems ok just now, 8:30pm and after might be a differnet story :(

no they don't think they've found the issue. Read the statement carefully. They're just shoving in more debug.

meh, either way they are doing something, zero people in our group have had PB problems, im willing to bet its dodgy files or indiviual router settings etc
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I am guessing because no one has replied to the numerous times this has been asked no one actually knows what it does yet? :confused::confused:

God knows. It seems to do absolutely nothing. Unless theres something i've very much unaware of or some subtle change. Guess i should look at the official forum, see if theres anything.

Yes, but it also increases accuracy and range. It's far superior to the stock/4x scope :)

You may have noticed when sniping over far distances that not only do you get bullet drop, but the bullet will stray offf target - the 12x scope reduces this somewhat.

Er you sure about that? Afaik the 12x just increases zoom level, accuracy and speed is the same.

How are the points for marksman headshots calculated? Is it the further away you are the more points?

Pretty much. You get +10 points for a headshot kill then +x points if it was very long range which i think only works from a sniper rifle. Think my record was about 133, a completely flukey shot on a moving target i could barely see thanks to all the damn bloom. I just aimed some way in front and above him and was rewarded with about 190 points.
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