Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
When you look at your dogtags in game, that includes dogtags taken during the beta. but if you look at your number of knife kills, it will be from playing the retail. Thats what that number in the sig is.

Ah, that makes sense. I vaguely thought that might be the case but it was too early in the morning to think properly :)
I keep getting lines going up the screen when I move quickly!!! Whats the correct term for this? It's as if the screen isnt keeping up or refreshing fast enough but im getting 40-60fps with a 5870 and phenom 955.

this seems to have been reduced by turning off hbao and vsync
Woo, that sig site finally works:

Not that I'd use it as a sig, but it's nice to be able to see stats outside of the game...

edit: Though they're horrendously out of date (at least, the dogtags are - I have about double that both in terms of total and unique)

did you play beta?
i could swear when i checked my stats ingame yesterday i had loads of dogtags and they are still from beta (since i remembered some names) but i only have 8 dogtags since release from BC2. so it might be that :)
did you play beta?
i could swear when i checked my stats ingame yesterday i had loads of dogtags and they are still from beta (since i remembered some names) but i only have 8 dogtags since release from BC2. so it might be that :)

Yup, that's it :)

I wouldn't mind the ones from beta being wiped. I have a bit of a dogtag war with a friend. I'm winning at 8 of his tags to him having 6 of mine but without beta stats it'd be 8 vs 5, a far better 'smackdown' :p
Yup, that's it :)

I wouldn't mind the ones from beta being wiped. I have a bit of a dogtag war with a friend. I'm winning at 8 of his tags to him having 6 of mine but without beta stats it'd be 8 vs 5, a far better 'smackdown' :p

I'm using a different soldier name than in beta, so all mine are legit - including yours :D
Awww fiddlesticks they do break the forum rules.

They are 5 pixels too wide. GRRR.

Cheeky to ask to change the rules so we can have our sigs back? :P
I'm using a different soldier name than in beta, so all mine are legit - including yours :D

Pah :p

Me and ric had a game on a server last night where we mostly ignored everyone and just knife-stalked each other. That's where the 8 vs 6 came from ;) I wouldn't normally teabag a corpse (see link) but it was so satisfying to knife him and then turn around to see his deathcam showing me 'doing the business' on his body.

Fun times...
My K/D stats are terrible, need to work on it a bit rather than just ramboing the objectives. Loving it though, when you get a good team hardcore rush mode is just epic.

Also need to rebuild my PC, it's really chugging during the big battles. New SSD time i think!
Can someone please tell me how this game compares to CODMW2? My uncle and cousin have just bought some decent PCs to play games on, and i have asked them to buy COD, but if this is better then i will get them to buy this instead.... I have had cod since its released and yes i do get peed off from it a lot but i enjoy playing it when it works, so what im asking is, is this game better?

anyone else noticed what this game does to your cpu :D

it gets it cooking :eek: :p

running all other bemchies and none not even ibt gets it as hot as this sucka so be warned :D

anyone fancy a game plenty of us on now

I'm officially bored of sniping, only playing it now when there are snipers on the other team owning me. Switched over to assault and my play has improved tenfold, having much more fun as assault class.
My K/D stats are terrible, need to work on it a bit rather than just ramboing the objectives. Loving it though, when you get a good team hardcore rush mode is just epic.

Also need to rebuild my PC, it's really chugging during the big battles. New SSD time i think!

I'm happy as long as my K/D stays above 1. I pretty much just rush the objectives constantly so I would never expect anything silly-high like 3 or 4 :)
I keep getting lines going up the screen when I move quickly!!! Whats the correct term for this? It's as if the screen isnt keeping up or refreshing fast enough but im getting 40-60fps with a 5870 and phenom 955.

this seems to have been reduced by turning off hbao and vsync

It's called screen tearing I think. Vsync is supposed to stop this but it didn't work for me either.

To fix it download Rivatuner and run the program bundled with it (in same start menu folder) called D3DOverrider. Enable triple bufferring in here and leave it running while you play. It made it run smoother for me and stopped screen tearing :)
Can't believe I got a 2nd gold star in the 'tube :( Got over 2k kills so I suppose it isn't as bad as some of the Rank 5s running around with 4 gold stars.

Got my 2nd in M95 though! 99 damage with MGM AM makes lethal for 'Saviour Kills'

Anyone shot a pilot of a Blackhawk yet? Shot one yesterday and I don't think anyone realised as it was followed by 3-4 suicides :D
bit of advise please

im struggling with this game and getting owned a fair bit, you know when you run around a corner and see an enemy and he see's you its 50/50 who hits the deck, well with me its always me hitting the floor, now im no gamer noob, and on COD4/5/6 FFA i will often win or finish in the top 4, and that goes for most other games, im not the best but finish up there if you no what i mean, but with battle field i ready do suck, anyone got any advise ? i know its new and all that, im not talking about dying all the time, but losing these 50/50's if you catch my drift????
I'm starting to get better with sniping, kill more and die less. I got the effectus award last night for 100 headshots.

I still have no clue what the spotter does.
bit of advise please

im struggling with this game and getting owned a fair bit, you know when you run around a corner and see an enemy and he see's you its 50/50 who hits the deck, well with me its always me hitting the floor, now im no gamer noob, and on COD4/5/6 FFA i will often win or finish in the top 4, and that goes for most other games, im not the best but finish up there if you no what i mean, but with battle field i ready do suck, anyone got any advise ? i know its new and all that, im not talking about dying all the time, but losing these 50/50's if you catch my drift????

Try Hardcore mode?
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