Hi folks,
I have gave this game a good bashing yesterday and am really enjoying it after not having ever played a battlefield game before. I have a few queries about it though.
I feel like my mouse lags massively in the game and I am not sure if it is lag or the game. My pc is a i5 750 at 3.8 with 4gb ram and a 5850 running at 1920x1200. I have everything on medium in the game but I should be able to play with everything at high (I have seen my fps drop as low as 30 when in a fire fight at high settings!)
Is there anyway to configure the internet in the game, I am on 10mb cable at the mo.
I am used to playing a lot of MW1 and MW2 and the aiming seems a lot better on those games but with BC2 and can find myself firing at an enemy and hardly hitting, same with shooting a moving target with an assault rifle, I find it really hard to hit. Is this me being laggy in the game or is it something I am not getting. Going back to MW2 is fine.
Is there anyway of me being able to practice flying the heli's? I crash and burn a lot and want to get used to it just flying around. I don't like taking it on a full server when someone else can do a much better job with it than me. Also any tips on flying it.
Can you post all of the ocuk servers in a way that we can copy them into our favourates file and keep them all together. I'll put ocuk infront of my name so you can laugh at me trying to fly the heli's!
Thanks for the help
Also, how do you add people in games a friends? I am in as Slinkie so add me so we can get some squad play going!