Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
So far with eyefinity 5248x1050 all maxed using 1x 5870 watercooled and overclocked i7.
happy as long as i dont get DC or punkbuster kicks.

What do u have FOV set at for Eyefinity? I find it unplayable tbh cos the mid monitor has a nice resolution but the sides are soooo stretched it's pointless having them :mad: Currently set at 84 when using 1680x1050 and tried up to 180 for 5040x1050 but it looks ridiculous only the centre screen FOV changes :(

Anybody know who Rajsaww is? He's causing trouble on the TFU server. Abusing people and TK'ing purposely.

I should imagine one of his friends is abusing his account then as he is Sukh from these forums and has started a few threads re BC2 server meets so doubt it would be him playing like that unless someone on his team is being a noob.
I get this quite a lot too (double KO). I presume it's something to do with the way that the anti-lag code works and/or making the bullet physics more realistic...or something.

Yea seems to be lag and the real ballistics code making it a bit common to kill each other in a 50/50.
I should imagine one of his friends is abusing his account then as he is Sukh from these forums and has started a few threads re BC2 server meets so doubt it would be him playing like that unless someone on his team is being a noob.

We've always stuck with the same old saying, "your account is your own responsibility".

Will need to speak to him asap
my KD ratio is 0.5 but i always get a score of 3000 cause i dont bother killing people, i usely spend my time actually capturing points, repairing squad tanks/vehicles, spot enemys etc. Last round just 5 mins ago i got 1920 points with 2 kills and 1 death.
my KD ratio is 0.5 but i always get a score of 3000 cause i dont bother killing people, i usely spend my time actually capturing points, repairing squad tanks/vehicles, spot enemys etc. Last round just 5 mins ago i got 1920 points with 2 kills and 1 death.

Indeed. As said, K: D is a pointless measure of skill in this game.

Perhaps if the only mode was deathmatch then K: D would be important...but it's not.
Just been playing on TFU/Ocuk server, was one of my highest kills to yet, over 20, loose connection to EA FAIL TO CONNECT.

Indeed. As said, K: D is a pointless measure of skill in this game.

Perhaps if the only mode was deathmatch then K: D would be important...but it's not.

i always go by KD on games like css because thats the only way to compare scores. But in games like BC2 i swear its probably the most pointless thing (unless your in squad deathmatch :) )
Service connection Error ; Punkbuster A

Updated PB, Reinstalled it, Manually updated etc...

Has anyone managed to sort this yet ?

Getting kicked after 5 seconds is 'mildly annoying' :D
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