Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Loving the servers you go into with all the sad no lifers on one team and the more casual players grouped together on another. :rolleyes:

Sooner theres some type of auto balance the better, this seems to be a growing trend of all the hgher ranks banding together on one team. Ive been on servers where it was 20vs12 and nobody would switch sides, all the homos afraid of their k\d ratio being affected.
Loving the servers you go into with all the sad no lifers on one team and the more casual players grouped together on another. :rolleyes:

Sooner theres some type of auto balance the better, this seems to be a growing trend of all the hgher ranks banding together on one team. Ive been on servers where it was 20vs12 and nobody would switch sides, all the homos afraid of their k\d ratio being affected.

what does peoples rank have to do with anything? it doesnt mean anything just how long they have played
Loving the servers you go into with all the sad no lifers on one team and the more casual players grouped together on another. :rolleyes:

Sooner theres some type of auto balance the better, this seems to be a growing trend of all the hgher ranks banding together on one team. Ive been on servers where it was 20vs12 and nobody would switch sides, all the homos afraid of their k\d ratio being affected.

yep seeing that all the time. Getting to be a bit pathetic :(
Mate, we had a good few rounds, and I am sorry for that rant, it was a bit over the top about snipers camping and not helping out. It was just that the MCOM was armed and I spawned off you at the back. I am really sorry for the rant.

I didn't purposely TK you, so I will not apologise for that, I spawned of you in my squad at the back of the base and with the M60 with Magnessium bullets and ran towards MCOM and fired at someone and you got up out of crouch or something.

I hope you accept my apology, but snipers are the only thing that makes me rage quit :D

That's okay but just remember I'm on your team and my mortar strikes and sniper rifle can help. :)
what does peoples rank have to do with anything? it doesnt mean anything just how long they have played

Higher ranks have usually been playing longer, will know the maps better, have more unlocks, and will generally play a bit better than lower ranks.

And its no coincidence that on games ive been on with the outlayed scenario the lower ranked teams usually get held back pretty easily on rush, or beaten with 40 or so tickets to spare on conquest. Im just now out of a game on conquest where we got beaten by 50 tickets, one team had 3 more players and the team i was on was comprised of people that were maybe level 3-4, there was a couple of us at 10 and that was it.
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Just had an awesome round as engi/medic.

7343 before awards :D

Shame we lost in the end, charge was planted but there's no such thing as 'overtime' so we lost. :(
Team balancing

Please understand there is nothing admins can do but ASK people to move for the moment, Yes it is annoying when its even 1 minute but 20v12 the next, this is a flaw in the game for now until dice fix the balancing or give us the tools to do it

Raging at admin to fix it will result in a rebalancing of your own team ;)
I have to say, I'm not enjoying the new conquest game modes on the TFU server. I'm not sure if it's due to not many people knowing the maps, but there has been such a lack of teamwork going on. I've been in squads camping the enemy un-capturable spawn even when when losing, I've seen people simply ignoring the objective, I was driving a bradley when I had to stop due to mines up ahead, yet a friendly tank was right up behind me trying to force me forward untill I finaly got blown up by rocket fire etc...

it wasn't like this 24 hours ago, or even this bad when it was rush. It could just be the time or something but there are so many retards playing who don't work as a team, or worse, are so bad at the game they keep doing friendly fire and make things worse for the team. The server has gone from being a lag free server with good players (for the most part) to a server with majority idiots.
My 7800 GTX is really showing it's age now :(. The game is very choppy at times... Sometimes I'll get around 5fps. I guess that I'll need to upgrade my graphics card sometime soon to actually enjoy this game as most of the time my deaths come from fps lag :\
Just leave the server then ;)

I just did. Now I have to try and wait ages for the server browser to load while I find another hardcore server, the TFU server was the only one I have in my fav list, so I can always refresh that near instantly, the main server browser though takes over 5 min :(
I just did. Now I have to try and wait ages for the server browser to load while I find another hardcore server, the TFU server was the only one I have in my fav list, so I can always refresh that near instantly, the main server browser though takes over 5 min :(

It's quite fast if you type "UK" in the filters.
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