I'm gonna try that running steam/bfbc2.exe as admin thing, cuz I'm sick of the - instead of pings in server browser. In-game pings would be nice too, but mainly I'd like to know before spending ages trying to get into full servers if they are laggy as fizzuck. All in all, I'm enjoying ranking up my dude, tracering everything that moves to get that award (I often forget I have it equipped and go to pistol in desperate moments, only to tracer the guy and get pwned lol). Loving the v-optics and UAV combo (gutted you can't use alt-fire as well), you can really help out and catch some kills when peeps bunch up at mcoms to defuse/attack without getting shot down for ages. Moment of glory was taking a 144 point marksman headshot on a moving target at arica harbour. Epic game, just epic. If you are new to sniping, try holding left click to watch the bullet so you can see what kind of drop you're getting/how badly you missed.