I am and that is what i have tried, it just didn't give me the option to 'run as admin'
I am right in saying it shows pings in the game and not just in the server browser right? (Im sure that's what i read!)
>.< Erm well whoever is admin of the computer, telll them or login to their account and promote yourself to adminstrator via control panel and you should have access to the same rights as 'running in admin mode' would give you, if that fails to work then it must be unrelated to admin mode
Still on XP or something?
In Win7 for example, you can be the admin of a PC, but that doesn't mean all apps run as admin.
As for the original question, you do have to run as admin to see pings (no idea why) but I have no idea how to do that on steam.
Ah, Was afraid you'd say that! Sees a bit mad for an online FPS...Oh I didn't know that, nah I'm on W7
Just realised there is no in-game ping at all, as it was not added to the game in the first place, not sure why but DICE only have it in the server browser, so question answered
Because there is absolutely no need for it in-game?
You find a server with a low ping...and join. Job done.
Because there is absolutely no need for it in-game?
You find a server with a low ping...and join. Job done.
yep why worry about everyone elses ping you cant control itso check yours before joining and enter
If you leave a game half way, do you lose your points like you did in BF2? Ta!