Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Yesterday I shot a guy off his oncoming quad, his mate jumped off the back - I stole the quad and ran over his mate :D

Was the funniest thing ever, just utter smackdown :p

Haha a friend of mine was playing on the same server as me and he managed to destroy a humvee filled with 4 guys with c4 and the destroyed car did a weird forward flip in the air and killed a 5th guy by landing on him.

Its gonna take a while until I beat that haha
**Insert generic EA Based whine here**

Now thats out the way, we some good lolz last night!! We had around 10 of us in my vent all playing conquest.

We found a quiet server but on entering realised that there were quite a few clan tagged boys in there all on the same team. We thought "ahh stick with it, server seems ok and we can all connect".

We started pwning every round and the server became full and out of the 16 of us on our team, 11 of us were OcUK :D We handed out some OcUK pwnage to the clan that owned the server. Muchos lolz.

GG for Frenchtart for joining us, I actually got revived a few times which never happens as I am always medic'ing others :D Install vent so next time you can come join us!

Oh and I feel for the vehicle effect, I was on a squad with a mate last night and two mofo's come charging at him on a quad, I spawn in time behind him to help shoot both mofo's in the quad but then my mate jumped to one side and I stood there like a tit allowing the Quad's momentum to run me over.

Funny as hell though... :D
Am I a whiner for asking for a handfull of inftranty only servers? :\

No but they should really scale the number of vehicles based on the number of players... It gets stupid on servers with maybe 4-6 a side that turn in vehicular slaughterfests.
No but they should really scale the number of vehicles based on the number of players... It gets stupid on servers with maybe 4-6 a side that turn in vehicular slaughterfests.

This is one of the reasons I always join 32 spot servers. Mainly because more people to shoot at and forces a lot to go to infantry combat.

I'm not arsed about vehicles in general, I won't camp them but if they are there I will use them. Something I notice a lot more in BF:BC2 than BF2 for example, people don't whore vehicles that much (from my own experience).

It's a nice surprise to spawn at your base and see the odd vehicle or chopper kicking around from time to time without a group of people waiting around it's spawn all pressing "E" repeatedly.
This is one of the reasons I always join 32 spot servers. Mainly because more people to shoot at and forces a lot to go to infantry combat.

I'm not arsed about vehicles in general, I won't camp them but if they are there I will use them. Something I notice a lot more in BF:BC2 than BF2 for example, people don't whore vehicles that much (from my own experience).

It's a nice surprise to spawn at your base and see the odd vehicle or chopper kicking around from time to time without a group of people waiting around it's spawn all pressing "E" repeatedly.

I never really use them at all... same goes for mounted guns. The only one worth a damn is the 1 with the shielded front (Heavy MG?). The damage they cause is pathetic and unless you catch a player off guard you tend to end up getting killed first, more so if there are multiple people and double more so if any Sniper within 5 miles can see you.

As for vehicles i find they just get destroyed very quickly or turn into artillery campfests which is incredibly tedious and favoured by stat whores. Aircraft i never get much chance to use because i can't fly them to save my life :p I also hate the ridculously slow mouse sensitivity on Aircraft guns. Turning the Minigun in the Blackhawk is like trying to turn an Elephant.
i prefer the 16 player games myself, I like the craziness of 32 player games but I simply cannot stay alive unfortunately, here's an example of my k/d ratio

16 player games: 22/8

32 player games: 4/14

I would like to play in 32 player games but I'm not effective which is lame I tell you and my sig has not updated either, guess their servers are overwhelmed
Yesterday I shot a guy off his oncoming quad, his mate jumped off the back - I stole the quad and ran over his mate :D

Was the funniest thing ever, just utter smackdown :p

For a second there i thught i was still in motors and was about to type "don't talk a load of ****". Then i realised i was in the bc2 thread in pc games. :o
if you crash to desktop or force the game to end (task manager) then your stats will not update at all

My clan mate asked the BFBC2 twitter account about that and they said if a player disconnects or crashes, they will still get the points for the game. In the event of a crash, it will add the players points at the end of the round regardless of if they're in the server or not.
I've been having a blast so far, but I've been getting my ass kicked all over the shop... K/D of 0.84 after 6 hours. Did a lot better in the beta, ah well. I'll get it sorted out! :)
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