To balance this up though, the servers rented for the UK players will go live and I imagine a lot more European ones.
IF Dice manage to have a release day without problems or busy servers then I'd quite honestly tip my hat to them.
I've on the otherhand only had very few problems.. I can normally find a server quite easily, PB chucked me out a few times but I did what the ticker tape said at the bottom of the BC2 screen and uninstalled BETA and downloaded the PB client, so thats all fixed.
MY only problem is I cant play SP on my native res.. but this could well be my struggling 4850... MP works fine.
One gripe about this game and thats passed over from the BETA would be the mousewheel changing weapons.. why cant mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down be programmed.
How many times I've mousewheeled up, thinking a quick swap to pistol to finish off the guy 20 yards away and ended up standing there in front of him waving a lump of C4 or a defib kit :S