*****Official BBQ Thread - Suns out, Buns out!*****

Has been a funny day of temperature control for me on the callow. Got up to nice high heat early on because I drilled a few more holes in the charcoal basket. Been aiming for 260F for these beef ribs so we aren't waiting all day, started cooking at 10am aiming to be finished well in time for 7.30pm serve. Was up around 280F at 12 when I left the house for 2.5 hours. I set the vents to half open all round, hoping that would settle back down a bit. Returned to find I was at 180F, so it must have kept burning quite hot to burn out like that, quite a surprise. I've since put a whole new chimney of coals in, sitting nicely at 257F and 190F internal temp, so ahead of time if anything, which is a novelty.

Interestingly, the meat was about 140F when I left. When I got back 2 hours later it was at 143F, so despite surely burning hot, had gone barely anywhere. Since then it's been a rapid rise. Which makes me think I broke through the stall at 140. Whereas it usually happens at 160/170. So it appears I've inadvertently artificially stalled it lower than usual, and not encounters the usual wall at 160.
Had 5 hours in the BBQ at 200-250, i've lost the temp so they're in the oven to finish off. Meats falling apart nicely :)

I've now glazed them in a sticky sauce of apple juice, treacle, honey, worcester sauce and a ground up stock cube.
Nice one jonno, really nice bark and smoke ring there. Nothing like a late night rib feast :p Did your glaze work nicely?
I fired up the WSM yesterday for some brisket and short rib goodness. The Waitrose short ribs were great for the price, although I did make sure I grabbed the biggest ones they had on the shelves. It took about 9 hours for the brisket and I also threw some potatoes on the grill for some smoked potato salad.

Did pork shoulder on Saturday. Dry rub over Friday night, then put onto the BBQ at 9am. I kept the temperature around 110 although during the stall (which lasted around 4 hours) it fluctuated between 105-115. Took it off after 11 hours. The chunks of hickory I put on the coals gave it a lovely smokey edge, and combined with the spice mix on the outside, it was probably the best pulled pork I've done. Very happy with it. Topped with home made BBQ sauce and slaw, it was lovely :).
For some random reason found myself on amazon.com instead of .co.uk. Look at the bleeding price of a brand new premium weber kettle! £113 in proper money. Mental.

I know some people have found amazing deals over here for like £150, but this is the regular list price. Imagine how cheap you might be able to pick them up some places.
That sounds epic

Haha, it actually is! It's a recipe from DJ BBQs Fire Food book, just boil the potatoes for a bit first then throw them on one of the grills with some olive oil and seasoning and let them smoke for an hour or so. They get a fantastic smokey flavour.
I always chuck my sweet potatoes on the BBQ on the side for 25 minutes then over the coals for 10 minutes to crispen them up.
Traeger fired up last night at 2345 with a 4kg pork shoulder, it has seemingly held a cracking temperature and after 14 hours we are closing in, trying not to wrap...


I really fancy a Fireboard now to log cooks, who was it on here that has one?
Ahh yes, that kind of logging is great - how good is the WiFi range, can you set alarms etc if temps drop below a certain level and will it take std probes as I have loads of them!?

Sorry for the delay. Busy day yesterday :(

The WiFi range is good but I don't know how much of that is down to my Ubiquiti UAP-AC-LITE access point. I get about 40% signal on the FireBoard when it's at the bottom of my garden, which is roughly 11 meters from the Ubiquiti.

You can set alarms per channel, and I compared the probe connectors to the ones on my Thermoworks Smoke and they're exactly the same. I didn't plug the Thermoworks probe into the FireBoard to test though because by the time the last pork shoulder had finished cooking it was 21h30 and I lit the fire before 05h30 :eek: Would you need to use other probes though? Whichever FireBoard model you buy will come with the amount of probes supported by that model, ie. 6 probes are included with the FireBoard Extreme.

I've never had a pork should fall apart on me as I tried to pick it up before. Holy crap they were soft. If anyone says that the pork shoulders from Costco might be iffy quality (ie. I've said this in the past :(), they just haven't smoked them properly.
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