i cant wait to whoop all of you lot on this,hopefully soulja plays so i can whoop him aswell
You got no chance, I'm going to whoop you all. I've been playing the last month with one hand behind my back and blindfolded
you will need those lucky mw2 underpants
lol,A few nights ago on start of search i threw a flashbang and all the clan turned around and shot the only guy who wasnt part of our group,never laughed so much,think it was wyrdo's clan.I dont use flashes now,just claymores,smoke,m4 or g3 silenced
Ranking up took forever on Domination!
if you can defuse the odd bomb and plant one,and rack up a few kills Search is good for ranking up.
I found that or HQ to be the fastest for me, I captured a lot of flags and HQ's
I have 70 bottles of corona in already for launch weeks corona perk