*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

I need to get my computer desk set up so i can show you how to really go to war. I'm sure it won't take me long to get back into and scream abus at oneshot for his flipping flashbangs!

As for the noobs comment i hardly played against anyone who was ranked below me, they was always above and always got there bum handed to them ;)
lol,A few nights ago on start of search i threw a flashbang and all the clan turned around and shot the only guy who wasnt part of our group,never laughed so much,think it was wyrdo's clan.I dont use flashes now,just claymores,smoke,m4 or g3 silenced
lol,A few nights ago on start of search i threw a flashbang and all the clan turned around and shot the only guy who wasnt part of our group,never laughed so much,think it was wyrdo's clan.I dont use flashes now,just claymores,smoke,m4 or g3 silenced

hahaha I remember that :p Poor guy probably wondered what the hell was going on.
I can't wait to see Soulja and Oneshot goto war with one another, lol!

Soulja, reckon you will play something other than domination this time? HCTDM is much better!

I do miss the old Soulja quotes "Bl**** Oneshot and his flashbangs!"
Domination and Headquarters are the only ones worth playing. The rest is too slow. I'd like a hardcore domination though. Everyone will be playing those game types for months to rank up.
if you can defuse the odd bomb and plant one,and rack up a few kills Search is good for ranking up.

Nowhere as good as HQ - That's the absolute fastest way to rank up. S&D is good if you're winning a lot but I can generally score more even on a losing HQ team in one round than I can in a round of S&D plus S&D has the boredom factor of waiting for the round to end if you die early.

Domination and HQ are my favourite modes in COD4.

I found that or HQ to be the fastest for me, I captured a lot of flags and HQ's ;)

I have 70 bottles of corona in already for launch weeks corona perk :D

Yay corona perk :p We'll have to turn off party chat so we can all hear Danny go off on the other team once he's had a few beers, classic stuff :)
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