Official - claim your own OCuk member here!

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You cant have me Matblack - I have been claimed by Blackstar! :(

Incidentally, I claim Blackstar! Anyone else wants her? Tough! We will have a duel at dawn for anyone who disagrees!

That goes for you too, Scuzi ¬_¬
DRZ said:
You cant have me Matblack - I have been claimed by Blackstar! :(

Incidentally, I claim Blackstar! Anyone else wants her? Tough! We will have a duel at dawn for anyone who disagrees!

That goes for you too, Scuzi ¬_¬

I'm a UB so I can be owned by a don whilst owning 2 members, so I'll have both of you as a breeding pair.

Im bagging Sic..cos everyone needs an emo in their life:D. McDaniel cos he sings such lurverly girls aloud songs on xbox live and cant forget my furry greek buddy...pyro:p:D
Well I claim Piggy :p
Does that mean that Huddy has a part claim to her too? :confused:

As for Huddy....what is your wish Admiral? ;)
DRZ said:
That goes for you too, Scuzi ¬_¬

I bagsied them first, they're mine, ALL MINE! I'll fight you to the death with a large Baguette.

Come on my lady ho's, lets get you out on the streets to make Daddy Scuzz some moneh.
Ooh I'll claim William and he can keep me entertained by drawing funny comics for me, forever!
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