Official - claim your own OCuk member here!

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Berserker said:
How could I possibly refuse such a gracious offer. :)

/bows. :)


VIRII said:
I think I'll claim visage though because I have a really really nasty streak and feel like hitting someone in the face with a hatchet.

Tsk tsk, that isn't nice, get a scratching post for those urges ;)

I'm beginning to feel left out with all this claiming lark but my question still stands from before what is the benefit to claiming anyone or being claimed?
Pfft I believe she's already been claimed but I claim Holly35 cos I saw her first :D Also because she is almost the coolest girl ive ever met :p

Failing that I claim Overtonebliss because he keeps me entertained in the middle of the night... :o and Zip... SO... Overtonebliss, Zip, and Holly35 :D

Oh and Matteh because he's my bestest buddy :D
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Piggymon said:
Apart from Desmo who did my ironing this morning ;)

Piccies? :D (Actually, I believe there wa one in the Pigmopad thread - /goes to have a look).

I am somewhat disappointed that after nearly 600 posts, nobody thinks I'm useful enough to claim :(

Perhaps it's the high maintenance costs (i.e. food and alcohol) that's putting people off :p

No pity claims now. If anyone claims me, they must name a task for me which shows my usefulness.

Stan :)
20 pages and only Feek showed interest? I'm losing my touch.... ;)

Mind you, the only other person on the board to own REAL firearms lays a claim, most other people back away rather quickly, right? :D

[edit] What is thy bidding, master? What shall we shoot first? :p
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I am most dissapointed.
I woke like a schoolboy running down the stairs to get my Stang and it's not there.
Gibbo is odviously totally ignoring me and refuses to play. This is wrong.
Who is dealing out punishment for these wayward persons. I would report him to a mod but he is one. I am stumped dissapointed and looking around for a replacement that is more willing to do my bidding.

I think i need a volunteer this time as i think they may be more obliging. :)

Applicants with Huge norks will odviously get preferential treatment. :D
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