*****Official Crysis 3 Thread*****


Whatever justifies playing for free, folks like yourself is the reason why Crytek went multi platform in the first place.

If you really felt that way about EA/Crytek, it wouldn't touch down on your hard drive-period.:(

Lol, nothing to do with how we obtain the games, they just use that as another excuse so that they can drop PC support or do a crap lazy job of porting it. Consoles is where the majority of money is at, the developers and publishers know this and that is why we get crappy support for PC these days, businesses are all about the sales/profits, you get some that do actually care about customer satisfaction though.

It is a lot easier to get games working on the 360 illegally than it is on the PC.

If you want to support game makers/publishers that do a crap port or/and put no effort into the PC version yet still pay £40+ (and then £10+ for DLC packs) then go ahead :) Nothing is going to change/improve if you just keep handing your money over.

I have no problem paying for games by developers that actually care if they are doing a great job of porting/making a game for the PC i.e. I would happily pay £40 for planet side II. I was all for DICE and BF 3 as well but after there crappy support, big headed approach to the PC i.e. PC is the main platform (half way through "oh console is now the main concern" and PS3 getting the DLC like a week or 2 before PC, "we will implement an option to turn of colour grading but don't expect any support for fixing bugs" etc. then a few weeks later "we have now decided not to implement an option to turn it off because we like our "artistic direction, it sets it apart from other FPS games", "DLC will always be free".......hmmm premium service (£40), map/weapon packs (10-15 pounds each) :o etc. etc.

Anyway onto the demo/beta..... runs pretty well on my 7850 2GB, i5 750 @1080p everything on max except shadow stuff to high and AA disabled (anything else just impacts performance a lot!), a wee bit stuttery in some places, probably need to drop another 1 or 2 things down to high or medium. Not sure what FPS I am getting as it crashes with radeonpro, so would need to get FRAPS installed again.

Exactly the same as crysis 2 multiplayer, nothing different at all apart from new additions i.e. weapons and shields. Game looks all right, not great.

At least this time they remembered to change the stuff for PC i.e. no "please press start", "adjust TV brightness/mode"
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Seems like a nice HUD ;)
That is a shockingly large hud, can you not decrease UI scale as it takes up like 50% of the screen

They've tried to mimic Republic Commando's visor look, looks bad tbh in Crysis 3 when you compare them both.
Crysis and Crysis: Warhead called, they are disappointed.

Indeed :p

I was comparing the quality of vegetation found in jungle levels in warhead with the vegetation in airfield level in crysis 3.... and there is no comparison.

The graphics quality of those two former games spank this upcoming game heavily !! :D

Edit: After playing it for about 10 mins, I uninstalled it
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I am enjoying the game :o :p Although I do love games where you get special powers etc. :p :o

Hunter mode is pretty good fun, love the bow.

Also loving the shield throw kill :D Just cloak and wait for some guy to coming running then "WHAM" in the face, even better when they are in mid air :D
Same game of hunter and game of crash site absolute garbage with bland graphics and a terrible hud and fov no thanks.
I kind of enjoyed the crysis 2 multiplayer when I had a go in the beta, thought the map design was very good and just decent fun with the nanosuit powers (granted many hate this though!), however, since it is by EA, I didn't buy the game (and even more so since it is by Crytek) and even if I enjoy the multiplayer for crysis 3 I won't be buying for the same reason, will still play the SP another way though :p ;) Refuse to support companies that are *****.

Because scroungers wont pay for games is why we never get a game and there always a console port.
Because scroungers wont pay for games is why we never get a game and there always a console port.

what happens if the pc community supports crap console ports?

reward us with effort in future titles? ppff

as someone mentioned, crysis outsold crysis 2 on PC.
what happens if the pc community supports crap console ports?

reward us with effort in future titles? ppff

as someone mentioned, crysis outsold crysis 2 on PC.

If its worth the download and crack to play the game then its worth paying for.

No pay no play.

If everyone who pirated a game paid for it maybe we would get some games made for pc then ported to console.
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