Official Crysis Demo thread

Its no good sarge I still can'tsee them yankies

How come you deleted all the level info lol? best bet here when anyone tries the editor for first time is to save it as island2 right from the start before doing any messing & only play around with island2 , I did the same thing as you at first, mind you I'd played the demo 3 times so didn't bother to reinstall as playing the game in the editor is much more fun :p

i didn't appreciate that I was messing with the actual game level until it was too late :o

The editor is more fun than the demo anyway :D
How do you grab people by the neck and throw 'em like in the vids? is it even possible?

As said above but here's a video [17MB WMV](I love videos :))

I also found out now that I can game perfectly at 1680x1050 when launching it in DX10 mode - I set everything to medium then shaders to high and Post processing to very high and now get a minimum of 30fps - the post processing makes a major difference, it actually looks like a dx10 game using PP on very high as opposed to a fancy dx9 game whilst the shaders on high gives the world good detail.

It looks very good now and I have to say I'm very impressed with this setting :) - screens using those settings
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