Official Crysis Demo thread

Updating GC drivers fixed it. I played it for 20 minutes then it crashed (after selecting the gun mode in the quick view menu). The game-play seems pretty sweet, I can see the different nano suit modes adding a lot of variety. Performance and graphics are pretty sweet too! Definitely going to buy this.
Loving this demo so much. So much playability in it and it looks beast.

Running perfectly smooth all settings high at 1280x1024 for me.

8800GTS 320
E2140 @ 2.8
2gb Crucial Ballistix

Really? damn.

E6750 @ 3.2GHz
2900XT 512MB

Can't run it on high at 1280 x 1024. I don't have any exact FPS figures but it doesn't run great on medium either :\
Just ran benchmark

1680x1050 everything High


Play Time: 57.87s, Average FPS: 34.56
Min FPS: 26.81 at frame 1956, Max FPS: 40.27 at frame 1007
Average Tri/Sec: -32283254, Tri/Frame: -934102
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.98


Play Time: 45.78s, Average FPS: 32.76
Min FPS: 0.99 at frame 197, Max FPS: 43.66 at frame 123
Average Tri/Sec: 38065344, Tri/Frame: 1161820
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.62

any good??

Where do you run these benchmarks?
Can't get DX10 Vista to work just stops responding on first screen, DX9 version runs but is really slow to the point where it's not really enjoyable.
All you people who are saying HL2 has better models have some serious eyeball issues. Where are your screenshots to prove it as well? There are none because it is simply not true.

There is this amazing thing called Google Images, you'll never guess what it does!

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I've got 7800gtx/vista/opteron dual core which i imagine is quite similar in performance to yours. I run it at:

Shadows set to low
Everything else medium

I managed to easily complete the demo on medium difficulty without dying at all, so my FPS must be smooth enough to not affect the gameplay - it certainly felt smooth.

Playing on Vista at 1650-1050 @20+ fps all med. on a x2 4800+ x1800xt 512mb 2gb ram vista 32bit
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