***Official DC Universe Online Thread***

The current mess that is my toon now he's 30:


I probably change appearance/colours every 30mins or so rofl, can never stick to a style for long.

And yes, this is a villain who isnt black/red :p
Im still not decided tbh, played for a few hours last night rolled a Ice/dual pistol/flight hero and a telekinesis/handblast/superspeed villain.

Just seems to be button mashing at the moment, i hope it gets deeper or i will just end up playing for one month :(
as you level the combat style you unlock combos, usually press x1-5 then a hold

its actually quite useful to get these right as some will enable you to stun/kb your opponent reducing the need to blitz special moves/heals/colas
the combos are usualy still button mashing, i think they need to do more with powers instead of using a couple powers then button mashing combos to get power back to use more powers is getting tiresome for me. Still loving the game though even dreaming about it when im asleep!
anyone manage to do the quest psychosomatic illness?? its impossible yet it says its solo, stupid thing. i enter the room says kill 3 illusions but while the cutscene is happening im already half dead because of some mobs and then the illusions hit me for 100+ damage even in tank stance with skills which reduce damage.

just managed to do it after dieing 4 times. just had to keep working on it until i killed all the mobs so i just had the illusions. me thinks that it might be a bug and the mobs shouldnt be there.
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That's been happening to me a lot, but I'm normally in within 2 minutes.

I could see the point if the server was full, however I deliberatly picked the lower population server, it is currently showing as "Low" and I still have to queue. Moved 100 places since my last post, so going to be a lot longer than 2 minutes! :)
maybe for some odd reason hasnt updated to full, a bug of some kind.

Anyway as im getting really into this game does anyone have any tips of what u need to be a good tank/damager or healer/damager. going for tank first but i notice a lack of healers in my groups so going re-roll when i get to 30.
Server went boom, which may well explain it. :) The joys of MMO launches, one day, one of them may just get it right. :)
Wondered why I was kicked out a few times just now. Already hit level 15 and enjoying the game with the storyline missions/exploration. I went a Flash-based character with flame ability and martial arts as the skill. Like others I'm constantly changing my look currently with a black/yellow style.
A couple more shots:

This one was from the Outer Caverns 8 man raid that we did last night. Taking out the Bat Sentinels was very sentimental as we have done it in beta:


And here's me with Green Lantern. He's one of the main characters you need to find randomly throughout Metropolis along with Flash, Superman and a few others including villains:

OK I manged to get on BUT with my old Pentium 4 :eek:computer which I havent used for about 6 years haha

I must have a fault with my card on my new PC, for the life of me not sure why i cant get on with it!

so Im on now, :)

anybody playing and want to do some stuff together?

I'm on my my Villian Healer Vuvuzela, about to Roll a Hero Tank, if non you have Villians? should take me about 20min to get past first stage.
OK lvl 6 Hero Tank on EU server Reailty Worlds - Pipilongsocks!

CK - I think I might just stay EU bud, the amount of trouble I have had as you know, just dont want to **** it up!! I do have a lvl 3 on Zero Hour when I did play that 1 hour back on luanch day!

Is it better to choose 1 path of power in your traits? of good to mix it up?
OK lvl 6 Hero Tank on EU server Reailty Worlds - Pipilongsocks!

CK - I think I might just stay EU bud, the amount of trouble I have had as you know, just dont want to **** it up!! I do have a lvl 3 on Zero Hour when I did play that 1 hour back on luanch day!

Is it better to choose 1 path of power in your traits? of good to mix it up?

No worries dude. I would stay on EU after the issues you had. Good job you're on tho. And yeah best to mix up your power traits. It helps :)
Ok I've uploaded a video:


Vuvuzela, so glad to hear you're now on. If you're on US Servers, join on Zero Hour. DC Raiders on Facebook and then let them know your character name. If you get an invite in the game, then get grouping with people :)

Staff good for an ice tank CK? so far got points in Bow and duel wielding. aiming for the dominance in Hand Blasters next. Quite like the bow.

What build you got for your power points btw?

hopefully be raiding with you soon. stupid servers being down. was going to crack on with some hard alerts tonight :(
Despite my initial doubts, this game is looking good, but going to wait for a trial.
I just have a feeling like all the superhero mmos out there, it'll die down slowly.
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