What he said
How many of you guys on here still play this game ..I think it great, but server levels don't seem to agree with me
I am still playing it and will continue to play for a long time to come.
Late last night, a couple of guys from Massively Overpowered did a Livestream of the Catwoman instance. And had a live chat going at the same time. Was fun to watch.
Then 2hrs later, Chris Cao (game director) and that Jens dude (can never remember his surname lol) both did a live video chat where they discussed February's content (good and bad) and what's to come in March.
Already a couple of tasters were mentioned, listed below:
Two-Face and Penguin instances
Mxyzptlk event in relation to St Patrick's Day
Two-Face will be available for Legends PVP
There's going to be a Celtic armour set to collect during the Mxyzptlk event
Green Lantern duo and hard alert
Changes to be made to the current Green Lantern and Sinestro missions
Expect robot Penguins much like Joker's robots and such
And that's just to name a few. There was also talk of the 3rd and final Batcave 8 man raid, the Brainiac Sub Construct. This is where things get interesting and you finally take on Brainiac himself. I remember when we did this back in beta. All I can say is: OUCH! Lol
Regarding February's content, they did address the whole Cupid look and did agree it was a bad idea lol.
They've also removed exploits where people were cancelling out certain moves that would increase their damage to almost 4 times the usual amount. They were pleased people were enjoying the Catwoman mission.
Looks like they are well aware that people have been complaining about certain aspects of the game and they are addressing these as time goes on. I think people just need to be patient. It'll get better and better as time goes on.
Of course the real kicker was when the video chat was promptly disconnected and all we got was the SOE logo left in their place. They didn't come back after that lol.