*****Official Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution discussion thread*****

Bleuughh decided to go on a killing spree in China before my tea. Shot everyone including the Ning mission woman, it cancelled the mission and then auto-saved! :mad: :(

Well that was silly wasn't it :p

It auto-saves everytime you enter/exit a new 'area'. So you should probably have hard-saved or quicksaved.
Well that was silly wasn't it :p

It auto-saves everytime you enter/exit a new 'area'. So you should probably have hard-saved or quicksaved.

I hard saved when I went out of the Hive, then went on my spree. Hopefully it hasn't saved over it, will have to check later.
Great, great game, I actually missed UFC Rio because I got so immersed in the game, got up to make a cup of tea and realised it was 5.45am. However, i'm getting the odd stutter/fps drop. Maxed out, vsync on, triple buffering on, 120hz, FRAPS benchmark says i'm above the 120fps I need but it lags now and again, China crashed twice during the same part so I'm assuming it's a game bug, hopefully they'll patch it asap.
You never played the first one I take it or did you not see the shiny floor?

OMG...So after 10 YEARS all the devs could do was add a few more clicks in hacking!
You say "hard dialog" really ..you mean that? and as for the mirrors it just shows that the devs
put some effort into it that's why the first DX game is still played and talked about.

It's been 10 YEARS since the first game and this is the best the could do!

The word 'hard' was left in there from a rewording and I forgot to take it out but I was referring sarcastically to the original deus ex, not this one. You know? The one which doesnt need you to put any thought into dialog choices at all but apparently that system is way better than hr. But there are some harder dialog choices in the game, the only one you will have seen is the first one with the terrorist leader, I got the desired outcome first time but some of the later ones I failed. I guess im just an idiot though and the opinion of someone whos racked up 3 hours game time has more credit

You might have a bit more credibility if you played the game through. Afterall it will only take 4 hours if you skip through the all the crud dialog and cutscenes :p
God damnit, great game, but horrible horrible ending, again with the stupid stupid choices of which none make sense in the slightest :(

EDIT:- lol, changed my mind already reading over some posts. I should say its a great game but it did lack. AI is horrific, combat is not difficult except for a few key fights which are completely different. Stealth, I've never been a big fan of stealth games, ever, because normally its so frustratingly slow and boring, here I think stealth is too easy, but enjoyable. 98% of the combat is just so damn easy though, I finished the game with 20 typhoon shots and a crap load of energy bars, stims, healthpacks and stupid amount of ammon for 6 weapons. I had almost every upgrade, hacking was kind of fun but kind of irksome aswell, I always had the feeling hacking would get harder, so didn't use many of the softwares at all and finished the game having hacked almost every console with so many nukes left over it was a joke, and so much of the hacking is for repeated info, but you have to hack everything for a few great e-mails or some hints to good weapons lockers and the like.

Way to easy to find a vent, pick off a couple guys, run to the other end of a vent and pick off some more, etc, etc. Its almost a game breaking bug/failure of AI that they won't chuck stuff into or go into vents even though they know exactly where you've gone.

Dialogue is generally good throughout except the ending which is really and truly horrific.

Basically, better AI, less hacking, harder hacking but basically you should know hacking a level 5 will be a hilarious and worth reading e-mail, code, security of access to loot of some kind. Graphically, I like the style but improved textures and depth for non console users would have helped a lot as it has that ultra consolely flat/boring textures thing going for it.

One thing thats pretty much great is effective tesselation for a change, rather than almost nothing tesselated byt a 30-50% performance drop like Metro, you've got a bit more tesselation, on things you see constantly(your own character) and you wouldn't notice the performance drop. Improving the IQ without harming the framerate and hurting the overall experience, exactly as new improving graphics features SHOULD be implemented.

Story throughout is great, again except that ending, fun to play but its insanely frustrating to come to the end of a long game like this and have a bunch of truly stupid choices, none of which are any good, and being forced to pick one.

I actually thought the endings were somewhat inspirational and a little more meaningful than your average game.

AI was naff but not so terrible it broke the game but certainly would have been more fun with a bit more creative AI routines.

Shame they didn't use tessellation on things like brickwalls, in some cases they didn't even use any form of bump mapping on brickwalls making them painfully flat :S few more instances as well of flat very obviously 2D textures where they could have used tessellation.
Ta for hacking pics. Unless it is dead easy and plenty of time to do things in the hacking then i think id give this a miss. Never did like deus ex 1 anyhow :P Never got past the bot thing i think near the entrance to somit in first level :p
Where are the cash machines! :( I want to hack me some money.

Couple of things starting to get to me so far, I've played ~12 hours, only just got the autopsy report from Anon X. I keep finding invisible barriers every where stopping me go places.

What's the point of all these open shops in China? You can't buy stuff, and there is hardly anything in the back rooms. What's the point of the noodle bar places if you can't sit down and get a bite to eat. Shop owners and chefs even tell you to have a look around and ask you what you want.

I think there isn't enough Augs at all.

The usual grip about repeating models and voices obviously.

Still great so far though. :)
Seems Cloak and Daggers is a bit buggy, if like me, you have already been around apartments.
Had to exit out game and reload a couple of times to get the last gang member to appear... All done now though. :)
Had my first CtD tonight :( It was like Oblivion all over again.

Agh, 4 Praxis to use, not sure where to go... :(
Am up to level 5 hacking, with max hack stealth and the social type stuff, also have punch through walls ability for the bonus-y joy.
This is the first it's happened in about 10 hours of play, stuttered and froze.
I can't lie, I've been seeing the stutter effect that many others have but it's not been that bad really. Sounds like the disk gets a hammering when it happens though...
Haven't tried messing with graphics settings but the problem just isn't bad enough to warrant it.
Are many of you running this off an SSD?
Well i took the plunge and bought it hehe, 14mins left, hopefully ill get into it as ive not played any of the Deus games before, but for some reason this one had me interested, plus i needed a change of pace from my racing sims.
Just finished the game, thought it was very good, but not great. Can already say now it's not my game of the year.

It's definately one of the better games I've played this year and one that I would recommend to anyone remotely intersted in it, but I'd find it impossible to make that recommendation without a few reservations.

The obvious flaws with the game didn't bother me so much (AI and dialogue I'm looking at you :p). There are other areas where I feel it could have been improved. For starters boss fights in fps's need to go away, forever. A few more locations would have been nice also, it's not a small game but there wasn't as much variety as I'd have liked. I'm also not a huge fan of city based hub worlds, which remained the case here.

I think it's a game that can suit many different players/play styles, but the flaws cannot be missed (even if they can be ignored).
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