God damnit, great game, but horrible horrible ending, again with the stupid stupid choices of which none make sense in the slightest
EDIT:- lol, changed my mind already reading over some posts. I should say its a great game but it did lack. AI is horrific, combat is not difficult except for a few key fights which are completely different. Stealth, I've never been a big fan of stealth games, ever, because normally its so frustratingly slow and boring, here I think stealth is too easy, but enjoyable. 98% of the combat is just so damn easy though, I finished the game with 20 typhoon shots and a crap load of energy bars, stims, healthpacks and stupid amount of ammon for 6 weapons. I had almost every upgrade, hacking was kind of fun but kind of irksome aswell, I always had the feeling hacking would get harder, so didn't use many of the softwares at all and finished the game having hacked almost every console with so many nukes left over it was a joke, and so much of the hacking is for repeated info, but you have to hack everything for a few great e-mails or some hints to good weapons lockers and the like.
Way to easy to find a vent, pick off a couple guys, run to the other end of a vent and pick off some more, etc, etc. Its almost a game breaking bug/failure of AI that they won't chuck stuff into or go into vents even though they know exactly where you've gone.
Dialogue is generally good throughout except the ending which is really and truly horrific.
Basically, better AI, less hacking, harder hacking but basically you should know hacking a level 5 will be a hilarious and worth reading e-mail, code, security of access to loot of some kind. Graphically, I like the style but improved textures and depth for non console users would have helped a lot as it has that ultra consolely flat/boring textures thing going for it.
One thing thats pretty much great is effective tesselation for a change, rather than almost nothing tesselated byt a 30-50% performance drop like Metro, you've got a bit more tesselation, on things you see constantly(your own character) and you wouldn't notice the performance drop. Improving the IQ without harming the framerate and hurting the overall experience, exactly as new improving graphics features SHOULD be implemented.
Story throughout is great, again except that ending, fun to play but its insanely frustrating to come to the end of a long game like this and have a bunch of truly stupid choices, none of which are any good, and being forced to pick one.