I'm quite enjoying playing this game, much like I did with Wolfenstein New Order.
Some of the gameplay features are a bit iffy and the whole customisation/unlock/perk thing is annoying as hell (as always), but once you're into the action you quickly forget about it. I don't like the glory kill feature and in general never like a gameplay mechanic that takes no skill to use, but after turning off the highlighter it's less of an issue as you're not compelled to use it all the time, just when it seems plausible to do so (and when you need more ammo). The same can be said about the chainsaw really. I'd like to get all angry, annoyed and generally bitchy about this stuff in games, but at the end of the day this is Doom, do we really care? I certainly did not and decided to just enjoy the game for what it is.
Apart from that, it's a solid 'classic' shooter. I think the game really comes into it's own during the arena shoot outs when you're facing multiple enemies, running around scaling the environments, trying to priorities your kills, switching between weapons rapidly and trying to harvest extra ammo. It's pretty damn fun in this scenes and if you're not having fun here I think you're probably too old to be playing this game, haha.
However, the only thing I do miss from classic doom is the hordes of monsters. Yes, this throws a lot more at you than Doom 3 ever did, but you never get a massive open area with just hordes of them charging at you. I loved that aspect of classic doom.
Finally, the graphics and animations in this game are top notch. Running absolutely maxed at 1440p, 8xTXAA and getting 60fps v-synced 99.9% of the time. The mouse felt a little floaty at first, but using the the
+set m_smooth 0 launch option has definitely helped with that.
Still playing it, so it could still go horrendously wrong, but so far it's a well made and polished game. Oh and I think everyone should be starting off at ultra-violence, no point playing otherwise.