But in all seriousness let's have a serious discussion.
MMR works to a certain extent, it will never be perfect but in a team game it can't be. Watching pro games alone probably makes you a worse player, real talk. Pro dota and even high level MMR dota are totally different games. If you try to replicate what you see in pro games you'll just get stomped because it doesn't work unless you have full team understanding of what's happening.
I've played around 400 games of unranked/ranked dota and hover between 3.7-3.9k rating depending on what I had for breakfast. I've reached that level in that many games because I win more games than I lose. I win those games because I play well and understand what is needed to win pub games. I also know what would be required to win pro games, but if I try to do that in pubs I'd a)lose because team isn't Na'vi b)lose because I'm not pro calibre (maybe I am ELO hell?!).
Although it's a total LoL kid thing to do, the Dunning Kruger effect will always be present in games were your rating is influenced by others. It's a lot easier to point out other player's mistakes over your own. It's easy to see the support with 6 deaths and flame him for losing, when not taking note of how important his early rotations may have been.
I don't mean to flame you, but at 3k rating you probably don't understand the game to its full extent. I'm not saying I do, my rating isn't wonderful but it's increasing because I've played Dota/HoN for a long time so I have a deep understanding of how the game works I just need to improve mechanical skill. I'm at my current rating because that's how good I am, I'm just trying to get better and improve it instead of blaming Murray.