I'm fed up of being matched with people who are clearly not the same MMR as me.
Single draft unranked. Of course no one picks a support, 3 carrs and a zeus and so I pick earthshaker. This gyrocopter in my lane is just auto attacking creeps spamming all his spells to clear creeps keeps going in to kill an ursa and a beastmaster, I try to save him when I can with fissures but he keeps going in. And he just flames me saying I should save him. What can I do? I don't understand how I'm put with people who aren't just average players they're like rank amateurs you should know not to auto attack creeps constantly in lane, and I checked and he was 350 hours played.
What can I do? I'm fed up. Constantly put with idiots.
And yet the hilarious thing is there was one other decent player on my team and guess what he was playing? Meepo. So you have me and this meepo who's pretty good and a zeus that's ok, and then a feeding drow and gyro. It makes me not want to never solo queue ever again.
And before anyone criticizes my items. I'd never really buy those sort of items but it was a constant uphill battle in a losing game. So I had to buy low cost items like the vlads and I think I got mine before the meepo got his. I died the least out of anyone in the game but yet was involved in more kills than anyone else?
And I get the whole, focus on your own game stop worrying about your team mates but it's a team game and at the end of the day you should worry about your team mates but some of them are so arrogant and think they're amazing (I know everyone does, I probably (definitely) think I'm better than I am) that when you give them advice they just tell you to "
**** off", like I'm telling this gyro not to auto attack creeps and last hits and he just flames me yet at the end of the game he apologises to me.
I'm seriously tempted to just go into games from now on and mute every single person in the match before it even starts, I shouldn't have to do this...