*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

You know how everyone says do not buy Divine rapiers?

My enemy team learned this today! We was loosing SOOO BADLY we had no towers our ancient was at 20% hp. We managed to kill there faceless who dropped 2 divine rapiers! I picked them up and managed to push all the way into there base all 3 towers and the 2 in there base then we had another team fight and we ended it!

Those 2 Divines turned the game around! Up until that point we was loosing incredibly badly mostly due to zeus and keeper dieing so much ( squishy ).

But wow that was an amazing turn around! lesson of the day? don't buy divines! :O.

Oh and our lifestealer left the game about half way through! :(. I was so convinced it was lost!

Image removed, inappropriate username - Davey
Very nice turn around, I absolutely hate it when people by rapiers on my team as I'm convinced that they can't be trusted not to die with them. I barely trust some people with a gem never mind something that give +300 damage.
The only reason to ever get them is in the utmost last defence if they're pushing high ground and you've got a hero that can use one well with minimal risk (for example ember spirit) Unfortunately people get them because they're *****.
Haven't plated earthshaker since I was a nub in an all random game, got him for my daily challenge and I loved him, such a good hero.

Had 2 games 2 wind going 5/0/14 then 12/0/23 (thereabouts may be a little off) he is so so good for locking people form and nailing them for kills.

Wil be playing a few more with him.
I presume you're complaining about their deaths, but why do you have the lowest level and GPM on the team if they were all feeding? Hiding at the back getting no deaths but doing absolutely nothing doesn't necessarily make you a better player.

15000 XP lead, 10000 GPM lead at 15 minutes in for the radiant. There's no coming back from this. I have the lowest GPM because that is then when I stopped trying. Damn right its not making me a better player, but it's also not contributing to feed. If that was a team game GG would have been called. I don't see why I have to then slow the process down to make it go on for another 30 minutes by trying to come back from a game which is clearly being lost by 4 other team mates. I might not have helped the matter in a team game, but I didn't make it worse.
15000 XP lead, 10000 GPM lead at 15 minutes in for the radiant. There's no coming back from this. I have the lowest GPM because that is then when I stopped trying. Damn right its not making me a better player, but it's also not contributing to feed. If that was a team game GG would have been called. I don't see why I have to then slow the process down to make it go on for another 30 minutes by trying to come back from a game which is clearly being lost by 4 other team mates. I might not have helped the matter in a team game, but I didn't make it worse.

Not sure why you posted this game. There's dodgy items choices on both sides suggests to me that it's a lowish skill game, but otherwise it just looks like a standard loss.

Your teammates died a lot because the other team snowballed early and they obviously kept on trying to turn it around. You didn't die because your hero has invis from level one and also you spent a good portion of the game sat in the fountain - that doesn't make you a better player than your teammates.

You really don't wanna be that guy who has a tantrum at the end of laning because you're behind and then strops off to the fountain after a "gg" in all chat. No-one wants to play with that guy.
On the topic of rapiers I once played a game where the Weaver got really mad and farmed a rapier just so he could suicide and give it to the enemy carry. Funny thing is that we still won as the enemy were so terrible. So dumb lol
You really don't wanna be that guy who has a tantrum at the end of laning because you're behind and then strops off to the fountain after a "gg" in all chat. No-one wants to play with that guy.

+1. Stop being afraid to "feed" and take some risks. If your team are going to stupidly throw themselves into fights regardless of your involvement, the best thing for you to do is get involved.

Not to mention that PL is one of the best late-game heroes in the game, if you're not dying then you should be getting enough farm to cause them some serious trouble in terms of split pushing. Can completely turn a game around no matter how hard you lost the lanes.


Link is to a game where they lose all rax and have mega creeps against them while the other team has all of their rax... then go on to win. He's called cancer lancer for a reason.
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I need to try this again, i just get overwhelmed and give up :(

All my mates are well into it now and we have a lan coming up, i imagine they will want to play it there somehow!

Ive done the tutorials etc and then from there get confused and fail badly. Haven't tried for a few months so will redownload it
I wouldn't play limited heroes, sniper, viper and drow dominate so hard in that mode it will make you sad. It's full of people just looking for easy wins. Just practice with bot games then find some friends to play with.
Had a game yesterday which I just watched the replay of as the Pudge decided to destroy all of his items around the 5-6minute mark, report my brother for 'stealing' Windrangers items and then did the gain exp within 5 minutes for the rest of the game so that he wouldn't get an abandon.


Because Windranger said that his items were stolen by my brother (who was in the top lane, WR in the bottom as dire). Now, I obviously trust my brother but I thought the Pudge did it.. turns out, that the Windranger got his items and the courier flew back, as it was almost back he stopped it, did a search around the area within around 300 radius and then claimed he'd be stolen from... I'm not sure if he was just being idiotic, thought he'd bought more or was trolling though I can see how so many items for a magic wand turning into one item can be confusing for simple folk. He seemed to play normally after and I think he said 'sorry' on voice comms shortly after but it was half arsed and broken by his awful mic.. he even landed some good shackles so I'm confused at this point what his agenda was.

We actually went onto win what turned out to be a 60minute game, a game that if the Pudge wasnt an idiot would have been won very quickly.

I really thought at one point the three randoms we were with, were working together. The enemy team completely ignored our calls to report pudge and I was getting paranoid that this was all some kind of setup to just troll people with both teams involved on it.. turns out, none of them on our team were in a party.

Most bizarre.

Screenshots of networth:


I actually died 5 times within the first 20 minutes aswell, which is unusual but with no midder it was obvious it was going to happen.. I really thought we'd lose but I just kept farming away heh.
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