*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

When I wrote that post (Sept 2013) it was possible. At that time bottle cost only 600g and you could buy it as a starting item. The 6.79 patch a month after my post increased the cost of the bottle to 650g.

Apologies, not sure how I managed to quote a post from Sept 2013!
To be fair to the brood player, the hero is pure trash in its current form. You have to prey to the gods for an easy lane and hope your team can fight 4 vs 5 whole game leaving the brood to push the single lane. Give the hero a try for yourself since the nerfs hit.

The hero is easily viable in public games, but it needs to be played very differently from normal heroes, people without much experience get wrecked.
Deffo going to check out some of his replays if they are still available, he certainly seems able to hold his own with the hero, considering brood has one of the lowest win rates on dota buff this month.
I have a spare 20 slot TS3 server that you guys can use for Dota purposes if you want... I have no other reason to use it, and I figure it can be used specifically as an OcUK one if you're interested. If there's enough interest I'll get it all set up and make the channels for you to use and post the details in here.

EDIT: In fact screw it, I've just made a TS3 for you all to use if you need it.

IP =

Let me know if you need the codec adjusting or anything, I've not had a chance test anything out--but at least it gives you guys a place to group up and play some Dota with each other. And it means I can actually put this TS3 server to use.
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I have a spare 20 slot TS3 server that you guys can use for Dota purposes if you want... I have no other reason to use it, and I figure it can be used specifically as an OcUK one if you're interested. If there's enough interest I'll get it all set up and make the channels for you to use and post the details in here.

EDIT: In fact screw it, I've just made a TS3 for you all to use if you need it.

IP =

Let me know if you need the codec adjusting or anything, I've not had a chance test anything out--but at least it gives you guys a place to group up and play some Dota with each other. And it means I can actually put this TS3 server to use.

Thanks mate that's extremely kind.

I will test it out tonight and make sure that its all ok (audio Q wise)

Maybe If we can get some regular OCUK lot playing I wont be forced to rage quit this game. Last nights pub game almost tipped me over the edge.
It was embarrassing. To be fair I did try a random hero which probably didn't help. And I probably made loads of mistakes but again I am not afraid to admit I am total horse **** at the game.

But my god something about that game made me want to hang myself.

I think im only going to play in groups now. Sod public.
Just had one of those games where my team are terrible, but luckily the enemy are brain dead. Most frustrating game in ages. We didn't lose a single tower until right at the end (I was treant) where we had already taken out two sets of racks and the tower from the other one plus one tier 4....but playing against a mirana and faceless, you'd think people would be a bit worried about feeding, but these guys were merrily diving in 1 v 2.

Lucky thing they were really really bad for the most part though because they had zero teamwork and couldn't push for toffee. 45 minutes for a game that should have been over in 25. Eurgh.
Had a weird game as SS. Couldn't get going and just couldn't land last hits went 1/13/29. So inevitably got flamed (by a Turkish 4 stack) but they wouldn't comm with me and kept using me as the sacrificial lamb. Next nearest assist was 11 so I helped massively in the team fights but was a hugely frustrating game.

We won thanks to our lane push after about 55mins with Naga pushing well and myself and a (very good) tinker player travel booting around the map to take towers fast before porting straight out.

We beat a well organised five stack too which was very satisfying.
There isn't enough gold on the map to support your farm + 2 blinks + whatever pudge feels he needs so my suggestion would be don't pick pl.
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