*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

It's fine when you lose a tightly fought game when you've been outplayed. It's not fun when you lose a game from a huge advantage because you're playing with vegetables.

This is exactly the point!

I don't care about losing, if the game is a tough battle going back and fourth I enjoy it.

You get this now and again.

But more often than not, you either get stomped or you stomp, which although stomping is sometimes fun, i'd still rather have a decent match where you actually have to think about how you play. When you start stomping it's just "yolo" lets do what we want as they are so behind and useless.

As you say the games where you get stomped are generally because you have complete morons on the team, like the sand king I had come to my lane last night, I was Rikki and obviously wanted to farm, so he skilled his passive first?! and at level 11 still had no points in his ulti.

This is at 3.5k MMR I know that's not impressive, but I at least expect someone to understand basics of the game!
I listen to a couple of podcasts, both of which hosted by players above 4k mmr. Every week you get a 5 minute run down of their weeks solo pub games. It's exactly the same stories as us sitting in 2.5 - 3k mmr.

So even restricting yourself to a smaller pool of heroes and practising one set role only to speed up your progression, you'r still going to get games with the vegetables.

Would rather spend the limited time I have for gaming with some guys from here and get to play a whole range of roles/heroes.
End of the day, regardless of your MMR, none of us are going to be competiting in the international, so my philosophy is just to enjoy playing, i enjoy the game even if it is frustrating to lose. Don't get me wrong, i always want to win, and i still get frustrated with really dumb people, but there's no point losing sleep over it, i can often make a loss enjoyable once i know we've lost :)
End of the day, regardless of your MMR, none of us are going to be competiting in the international, so my philosophy is just to enjoy playing, i enjoy the game even if it is frustrating to lose. Don't get me wrong, i always want to win, and i still get frustrated with really dumb people, but there's no point losing sleep over it, i can often make a loss enjoyable once i know we've lost :)

While I'm not one to get irate at games, the frustration with DOTA is that even a stomp can take 40+ minutes to finish...it's a long time feeling miserable. :P
Yeah it's those games that are lost after 5-15 mins which you then have to wait 25/30 mins more for the opposition to get around to finishing the 6 items they think they need.
Yea, I've had some great games with bad, but good spirited players. Conversely I've been in games where we've stomped the other team but my teammates were so obnoxious I couldn't stomach another game for the rest of the night.

I'll take a game with four potatoes that know they're bad and laugh about it over four guys who are average but think they're amazing any day.

If I'm not playing in a stack I've taken to playing with 'Mute All Chat' ticked and voice comms disabled and I find games much less ragey and more enjoyable. Most of the important info can be conveyed with chat wheel and map pings and all of the lamery is filtered out.
While I'm not one to get irate at games, the frustration with DOTA is that even a stomp can take 40+ minutes to finish...it's a long time feeling miserable. :P

In unranked games i just buy a force staff and start force staffing people into danger :p Especially when we're all trapped in the fountain cowering. I only do that when it's absolutely certain we're doomed though, without even any late game to come back....i don't just start mass trolling the moment we start to lose lol

This one is going to be based on individual experiences but does anyone else find americans far more enjoyable to play with? I find they're generally more upbeat and chatty than everyone else.
I just like playing with people who actually talk.

I am starting to hate random games though and I will be the first to admit that I know im **** but some of these other people ... Christ.
I just like playing with people who actually talk.

I am starting to hate random games though and I will be the first to admit that I know im **** but some of these other people ... Christ.

That's why im after new people to play with at the moment, the guys i play with now are nice enough and range from a bit better to much better than me, but they just don't talk and half the time i think to myself i might as well be playing on my own.
This one is going to be based on individual experiences but does anyone else find americans far more enjoyable to play with? I find they're generally more upbeat and chatty than everyone else.

Yeah, I used to queue US East because there was a way higher chance of English speakers and they usually talked over the mic. Although some of them were still *****.
I thought I'd try a core hero today, rest of the team picks cores of course except for the one support lion (who wouldn't upgrade courier, autoattacked in lane and bought blink dagger first)

I went 7-3-4 as Mirana, not too bad considering I was laning with the autoattacking Lion.

Our TA went 3-10-5
Our Spirit Breaker went 2-13-11
Our Puck went 1-11-12

Just feeders everywhere :(
I got paired with a Broodmother last night who died 11 times in the opening 15 or so minutes. Making the lane almost impossible.

People playing 'new' heroes amongst others just drives me insane. At least one bot game to get to grips with the hero before ruining everyones night would be appreciated!

I'm tempted to queue US East only, the Europe servers are just too language diverse, and in a game that relies on communication and teamwork it's not acceptable.
Where are they getting this extra gold from? :eek:

When I wrote that post (Sept 2013) it was possible. At that time bottle cost only 600g and you could buy it as a starting item. The 6.79 patch a month after my post increased the cost of the bottle to 650g.
I'm done with solo queuing, you just always get utter idiots. For some reason today I though "I'll try ranked, surely they'll be trying" Nope, utter idiots.

Game 1 - Captain picks, Lina, Storm Spirit, Bloodseeker, TA and Ogre Magi (we tried to give him suggestions but he ignores us) into Faceless Void, Witch Doctor, Lich, Invoker and Axe. Game is over before it has begun, we get absolutely wrecked.

Game 2 - Captain ignores us completely picks the entire team without taking into account what anyone can play. He picks Witch Doctor, AA, Anti Mage, Nyx and Centaur. Not too bad a team but I don't think the anti mage had ever played it. Anyway the captain takes the Nyx mid then STAYS THERE FOR 25 MINUTES. We lose all the other lanes, Anti mage rage quits at 0-7. It's ok the nyx got a few kills before we lost because he didn't leave his lane until he had dagon 3/4. GG

Game 3 - **** it I take captain before anyone else to make sure we actually get some communication, we draft a strong team with everyone getting what they want (Puck, PA, Shadow Shaman, Nature's prophet, Ogre Magi) Puck then feeds, ended up 9-16. It's ok though because the Tiny is shut down and PA is out of control! We get up to T3's and then the team refuses to push as 5 so PA/Puck and NP just let them catch up and we lose.

For solo queue these are still my 'ranking' games. The system is just utterly broken, you can do nothing playing with melons like these. I'm sticking to 5 stacks :(

Well according to the ocuk pro's that just means you suck as if you are a good player you can easily carry a team full of morons.
On another note having caught up with all the replies in the thread anyone up for putting a list together of us 2k'ers and playing together.

You can add me same name as here. I'm oscillating between 2.7 down to 2.4, as shami said you get games where people just seem intent to lose and it's just depressing but ho hum :p

If people out names in I'll make a list.
On another note having caught up with all the replies in the thread anyone up for putting a list together of us 2k'ers and playing together.

You can add me same name as here. I'm oscillating between 2.7 down to 2.4, as shami said you get games where people just seem intent to lose and it's just depressing but ho hum :p

If people out names in I'll make a list.

after a good start i'm slowly making my way from 5k to 2k :(
I got paired with a Broodmother last night who died 11 times in the opening 15 or so minutes. Making the lane almost impossible.

People playing 'new' heroes amongst others just drives me insane. At least one bot game to get to grips with the hero before ruining everyones night would be appreciated!

I'm tempted to queue US East only, the Europe servers are just too language diverse, and in a game that relies on communication and teamwork it's not acceptable.

To be fair to the brood player, the hero is pure trash in its current form. You have to prey to the gods for an easy lane and hope your team can fight 4 vs 5 whole game leaving the brood to push the single lane. Give the hero a try for yourself since the nerfs hit.
Does anyone here have a TS3 or a mumble that they could setup some channels on? Rather than making lists of people we could have an open chat thing and have a 2k-3k channel, 3k-4k and 4k+ ? Then people can just jump in, see who's on in their skill bracket available to play?

EDIT: Just played a 1 hour long ability draft game, i got axe, took counter helix and berserkers call, then took nether strike and charge of darkness. Nether strike was pretty useless, but i'd left it too late on the ults to get a good one. Enemy took our mid and bot racks by about 40 minutes, we then spent the next 20 minutes playing what felt like dota chess with them, won a good team fight, smashed it down mid and took their mid racks, retreated and repeated then me and mirana had fun taking the mid towers and ancients while the enemy stupidly bought back one by one rather than together :p
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