It's fine when you lose a tightly fought game when you've been outplayed. It's not fun when you lose a game from a huge advantage because you're playing with vegetables.
This is exactly the point!
I don't care about losing, if the game is a tough battle going back and fourth I enjoy it.
You get this now and again.
But more often than not, you either get stomped or you stomp, which although stomping is sometimes fun, i'd still rather have a decent match where you actually have to think about how you play. When you start stomping it's just "yolo" lets do what we want as they are so behind and useless.
As you say the games where you get stomped are generally because you have complete morons on the team, like the sand king I had come to my lane last night, I was Rikki and obviously wanted to farm, so he skilled his passive first?! and at level 11 still had no points in his ulti.
This is at 3.5k MMR I know that's not impressive, but I at least expect someone to understand basics of the game!