*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

GG's, that Meepo though...

Annoyed I couldn't get going with my mic, missus watches her crap on the box next to me and the mic picks up everything.

She's away this Thurs night though if anyone's up to a few games then?
Well thanks for the games guys.

4 good games, personally lost 2 and won 2.

Really good teamwork in all the games, sorry for those of you who missed out but demand was pretty insane. We were full by a minute past 8 and every time a slot came up it was filled pretty much instantly.

I will organise one again for next Sunday and will aim for a midweek game too if possible.

Thanks all!

Edit: actually it was only 3 games, we called the GG to cancel the first game when we had the d/c but it flagged as a loss on my stats :(:p
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Definitely had some enjoyable games tonight. Didn't really feel like I was playing at my best tonight as it was the first games I had played in about a week.

Thanks for organising these inhouses Newts.
Enjoyed my first one :D but the second we only had 2 people on our team that could actually talk, and a pretty grumpy morph who didn't get mid. Meepo too stronk too..
Enjoyed my first one :D but the second we only had 2 people on our team that could actually talk, and a pretty grumpy morph who didn't get mid. Meepo too stronk too..

Kupo's Meepo was pretty amazing to behold.

When he rushed into BS, Drow and Morph I was screaming down the mic at him to stop as he was going to die... BAM... (Or should I say poof) a few seconds later all 3 dead and Murray laughing like a crazy person down TS :D

First one for, second for me, was fun, though we were ****** against monster and Murray then you had monsters life with that Slardar :D leave me alone!!
I seem to have a good-ish game followed by a bad game.
I always tell myself the bad ones are because of my teammates not helping me. Not sure how true that is...

EDIT: What is annoying is how often I seem to end on a loss...
had an interesting game today. Was playing mid luna vs morph. Our team owned top lane so we were ahead 2-8, but then went on a feeding spree to 15-10. I failed mid and by 18 minute I was last net worth at under 2k, while morph was about 9k. At something like 25 minute top 4 net worth places were on enemy team.
Yet by the end of the game, which we won after almost losing the throne on more than one occasion, having just one side of rax, I managed to beat my record of last hits 556, a record of total gold 41k and had 3 butterfly, satanic, manta and pt.
Final score was 60-75 in our favour in an hour long game.
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