*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I think I'll be joining you once I play my 8 remaining ranked games :(

TBH though, and I am not just saying this to make myself feel better but the solo mmr to me seems kind of pointless in a game that's built around team play.

I am interested to see what my party mmr is though.
I imagine my mmr will be pretty low when I finally get one (still level 4).

How does it work then?
Solo MMR is what you get when you just queue for a game and if the random team loses your MMR goes down? So you could be a good player with a bad MMR because you're unable to carry the 4 other people?

Party MMR is when you find a game where you're already in a group so you know who you're playing with? So if a 500 MMR player teamed with 4 6000 MMR players and they basically carried him the 500 MMR player would gain MMR? So you could be rubbish with a good MMR because of your friends?
I imagine my mmr will be pretty low when I finally get one (still level 4).

How does it work then?
Solo MMR is what you get when you just queue for a game and if the random team loses your MMR goes down? So you could be a good player with a bad MMR because you're unable to carry the 4 other people?

Party MMR is when you find a game where you're already in a group so you know who you're playing with? So if a 500 MMR player teamed with 4 6000 MMR players and they basically carried him the 500 MMR player would gain MMR? So you could be rubbish with a good MMR because of your friends?

Party ranked will not let players that are that far apart in solo MMR group together for that reason.
Solo mmr is actually much more accurate than party mmr as its very easy to be carried to a higher mmr(or lower) in a party.

People generally don't care about party mmr and base it on solo.
Solo mmr is actually much more accurate than party mmr as its very easy to be carried to a higher mmr(or lower) in a party.

People generally don't care about party mmr and base it on solo.

How can solo mmr be reflective of your skill in a team based game though?

that's why I think its a stupid concept.
So if you have a really good game but your team sucks would you still lose MMR no matter what because it is based on the win or lose?
So if you have a really good game but your team sucks would you still lose MMR no matter what because it is based on the win or lose?

When you loose a ranked game you loose MMR.

So yes, if you have the misfortune of getting stuck with a crap team and loose you loose mmr as a result.

However on the other side of the coin, the elitists state that if you are good you should be able to carry a game to victory regardless of the other noobs on your team.

And that you are paired with people that are crap because you are crap yourself.

vicious circle.
For a game that relies heavily on cooperation and teamwork, trying to raise your MMR by being able to carry four other people seems like a bit of a silly concept. Which is basically what people tell you to do, to get your solo MMR higher.

There are arguments to be made as far as MMR goes where some solo 4k players I've seen are utterly selfish, have no map awareness (as they play offlane or mid so they don't feel a need to look out for other team mates) and don't play for their team... but it wins them games, simply because in most solo games you have 9 other people doing exactly the same but to a lesser extent probably, which is why they won't be winning the games. But these same 4k players are absolute trash when it comes to playing in a team because they won't abandon that selfish mind frame.

Swings and roundabouts I guess. I realise that 4k isn't exactly the pinnacle of Dota skill, but it seems to be the "tier" that people want to shoot for and what I said is only apparent to the limited games I've played in Dota 2. I know not all games are like this, but I'd be lying if I said I came across games where everybody is super friendly and coordinated more often than I do games where people are narrow-minded and concentrating on their own thing. Which is why I use the example above.
Its rare to find a team of 5 randoms that actually work together and communicate but it does happen sometimes but more often than not everyone just does their own thing.

And if you do find a team that works together and communicates be prepared for all of that to fall apart the second you lose a crucial team fight.
Its rare to find a team of 5 randoms that actually work together and communicate but it does happen sometimes but more often than not everyone just does their own thing.

And if you do find a team that works together and communicates be prepared for all of that to fall apart the second you lose a crucial team fight.

Yeah. People tilt in Dota far too easily.

Not me though, ask Musty/newts/Bios. I'm a completely reasonable person. :D:D
If any of you are newer players and are just waiting for 13 to do your calibration games, don't.

I was a brand new player and raced to 13 to get my mmr and got slapped with 2.2k which pretty accurately reflected my skill level at the time. I'm now, IMO, better than this I would even hazard if I took my calibration again I would be pushing 3k (could be wrong of course but just my feeling) however when you get stuck in a bracket solo mmr is "broken" as you are pretty much expected to be able to solo Cary your way to a higher mmr which in a 5 man team game is almost impossible especially when dota seems to push people toward a 50% rating.

One player can win a game but this is hard, more often one player can lose you a game through horrific play and feeding which you see al the time.

Despite the above rant I'm over it :p I'm just team playing/in housing mainly but my recommendation for any new player who wants to get a good solo mmr is don't get ranked at 13. Wait until you have, at least, 1k games under your belt and you know what you are doing before jumping in. In tempted to run a smurf to test my 3k theory but tbh I'm a) too lazy b) not willing to risk getting 3k then having a good rating with no items on one account and a **** rating with loads of cool gear on the other :p
I saw this the other day:

10000 = HOLY ****! Are you a ******* robot or something? WTF???!!!
6000 > 8000 = OMG, Ultra-Pro, Gifted, International++++ Gamer
5000 > 6000 = International-ish Gamer
4500 > 5000 = Mid level League Pro-Gamer
4000 > 4500 = Minor level League Pro-Gamer
3500 > 4000 = Above Average
3000 > 3500 = Below Average
2500 > 3000 = Beginner/New-ish to the game
2000 > 2500 = Total Noob to the game, Need constant coaching.
1000 > 1500 = OMG is this even possible? Just go away, go play candy crush or something.

Now as Im only 3 games away from getting my MMR I think I might just go play candy crush now and be done with it :rolleyes:
I saw this the other day:

1000 > 1500 = OMG is this even possible? Just go away, go play candy crush or something.

Now as Im only 3 games away from getting my MMR I think I might just go play candy crush now and be done with it :rolleyes:

Genuinely believe this is the last thing Musty needs to see right now :p
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