*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Is anyone else just fed up of PA? Every damn game. They should remove the hero from Dota for a few weeks when this ridiculous event ends to make up for it!

It is getting quite annoying, but at least the terrible oracle games are gone, there's so much that hero can do wrong if you don't know damage types!
Had one of my best games in months, one of my best Dota games ever. Played LD, it wasp close back and forth game and I controlled the map when I got radiance as bear and helped win some insanely close fights getting stuck in.

Got to the end and had an abandon because I was in base so much as I controlled the bear :rolleyes: :( really gutted, anything I can do about it to get it changed into a win?:( obviously didn't abandon as I got 3 commends and 3 friend requests after the game :p


This thread never fails to entertain me :D
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Yeah its pretty entertaining at times. No idea how you can manage that though and still think you played well.
I wish i could comfort and say you did well newts, but i'm afraid i've got to join the pointing and laugh brigade on this one :( :p Need to get 5 of us on for a game at some point btw, it's been a while since we did that!

EDIT: You're not allowed to play LD with us though! :p haha
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Instead of just openly suggesting what he thinks would be better he'll go round about ways of being passive aggressive before he eventually says what he thinks would actually be more beneficial to do


I was going to suggest what was better but then I remembered I can't be bothered.
I wish i could comfort and say you did well newts, but i'm afraid i've got to join the pointing and laugh brigade on this one :( :p Need to get 5 of us on for a game at some point btw, it's been a while since we did that!

EDIT: You're not allowed to play LD with us though! :p haha

Haha FU mate :p:D

I'll be online most of next week, working away from home a lot at the moment but when I'm back next week we'll sort a few games.
I wish I knew what went through some peoples heads on this game!

We lined up our picks. We had a Lich, and Omniknight, Nightstalker (me) and timbersaw.

Our 5th pick is sitting on faceless void. Yeah void is fine, or maybe a ranged carry like medusa would be good cos chronosphere kinda renders me useless as Nightstalker...

Instead he says "Warlock?"... "Ill go warlock".. then locks in god damn Warlock!

This is against a team of Doom, Shadowfiend, Necrophos, Sven, and some other.

So yeah. We lost badly. How can someone reach 3k ranked bracket and pick like that is beyond me :(
Anyone up for some games this week? Steamid is WilboFraggins - 3k mmr (well, I was till a HORRIFIC losing streak) Would be great to get a 5 stack together as I normally play with a couple of other guys. Getting a bit sick of the lack of communication in pubs.
Wouldn't mind teaming up, been playing a lot of Random Draft unranked, then started on the ranked games to get MMR but the game setups seem to completely change again.
If playing in a party with someone and the MMR is 1k+ difference in Team MMR in ranked does the matchmaking also have the same effect in non ranked?

I have a friend and he plays with me but we have lost 5 games of ranked in a row and my last game I carried the team and had 20 kills to 4 deaths at one point. Then when the game ends and you see the MMR of the other players it kinda explains why. He wants to play ranked because he thinks less people quit etc. But at his mmr (1k) I feel like if the matchmaking system is the same in ranked and non ranked then attitude would be the same in either modes.

I have now really started to lose enjoyment and it's clearly effecting my attitude and play style. I used to be nice in the game and I'm turning quite angry :( People treat the game like it's Battlefield and as long as you have kills deaths don't matter.
I can't catch a break at the moment, had some horrific games with horrible teams then last night got a great team. Discussed tactics, discussed picks, ganked well and kept talking, really good game and thought I must now get a win at last.

Unfortunately we played against an amazing Meepo player who basically won the game solo for them, was a very good player and unfortunately we just wernt setup to counter him :( we had all 6 outer towers they only had two when the Meepo wiped us in Rosh then stormed up mid for the win pretty much :p

Cursed :p
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