*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Won only my second game as Naga for my all hero, was such a tense game, we had a pretty good team (though unbalanced) with Naga, Spec, Pudge, Razor and CM it was one of those games were it kept flipping. We were winning early, they were winning mid and into late game then we edged about even.

Came down to big team fights every time and after they wiped us getting 2 lanes of racks (I managed to escape by ulting) they smashed us mid and got our ancient down to 50%. We respawned and our Razor had a huge play triple killing their Troll, OM and BM we pushed mid and they bought back and rushed us but I ulted, we set them up perfectly and nailed them all down in a team fight and took their ancient :D heart was going mental as my ult gave way for the last teamfight haha.

Only went 9/3/9 but had quite a few plays where I ulted to let us set up and we wiped them so more than happy with how I played Naga, I'm rubbish at micro though so I just went Diffusal/Manta/Linkens/Drums and had good nuke using my illusions to up the damage in teamfights. Far from ideal I am sure but it helped! :p

75/110 on my all hero now. Kunka and Phoenix next though and only had 1 game as Kunka before and never played Phoenix so could be interesting :p:D

If you spent more time analysing pro games or even just practicing rather than giving us a play by play account of your games in trench tier you'd be bloomin amazing by now

Edit: oh and if you want free MMR play DOOM.....
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This is so common. Why not pick support? By not "willing" to support that makes you the same as everyone else.

I play support most because of this. Others may not realise it is a team game but i do so i will play what the team needs not always what i want to play. if it means loosing a bit of gold because no one picks so be it. I will wait to see if i have to last pick support.

If the arguing starts at the draft phase then it does not bode well for the game.

Because when it's single draft and I have a choice of 3 hard carries it's not something i can do much about especially when i see on of our teammates has a treant protector and a KOTL in their draft and proceed to pick a carry after i told everybody I have no support hero to pick from...
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I think now is the time to give Single queue dota a rest, my mmr will never be it's real value and continue to annoy me, I just don't get the whole mentality of this game anymore.

I'll stick to playing with people I know and just play for fun whenever my groupies are online :D.
I've just gone non ranked instead. Still have irritated moments but more chilled without playing for mmr.

Out of interest what mmr are you? I'm up to 2.7 (from 2.2) and hoping if I get beyond 3k it will generally be better standard of games. So basically don't upset me by saying you are 3k+ and it's still bad as my dreams will be crushed haha :D
I've just gone non ranked instead. Still have irritated moments but more chilled without playing for mmr.

Out of interest what mmr are you? I'm up to 2.7 (from 2.2) and hoping if I get beyond 3k it will generally be better standard of games. So basically don't upset me by saying you are 3k+ and it's still bad as my dreams will be crushed haha :D

I used to be 3.1k, I dropped to 2k after a lot of rather bad matches that I couldn't do anything about. I'm usually pretty good at picking up momentum and getting a team back on track, but sometimes, feed is bad.

I'm at 2.25k at the moment after thrashing games and just playing my best hero's, however I got bored and started playing other hero's and it went down again.

I'm just not that interested in the game at the miniute, Don't want to waste 3 hours just to get irritated because someone likes to cliche themselves (Farm in a jungle that's warded and being ganked, tower chasing etc).

I just don't think this game is going anywhere if you want to play solo, it's actually really disgustingly bad the quality of players you get.

I'll wait until my usual Steam group come on and see if they need someone. I seem to perform well mostly with them and enjoy the bants.

CSGO is capturing my attention at the minute.

here's my buff.

Ive said this before don't try and gain MMR to avoid idiots, they exist in all tiers. 4k bracket is indeed full of try hards
If you spent more time analysing pro games or even just practicing rather than giving us a play by play account of your games in trench tier you'd be bloomin amazing by now

Edit: oh and if you want free MMR play DOOM.....

Analyzing pro games sucks. People always talk about Pro games, and this pro does this or that, but lets face it - a pro Spectre essentially gets free farm at the start of the game.

You cannot trust that to happen in standard pub, or even amateur Dota.
I mean the knowledge is good. Sites like blinkpool are built around the idea that game knowledge makes you a better player - and it is true - but we shouldn't let anyone convince themselves that they are going to be able to run a pro strategy in a pub game. It's really important to play at your level.
This turned up today.


Got up to 2.7, then dropped back down to 2.3, now sitting at around 2.5 if anybody fancies joining me later this evening :)

Pentagram is pretty even all round :)
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