Won only my second game as Naga for my all hero, was such a tense game, we had a pretty good team (though unbalanced) with Naga, Spec, Pudge, Razor and CM it was one of those games were it kept flipping. We were winning early, they were winning mid and into late game then we edged about even.
Came down to big team fights every time and after they wiped us getting 2 lanes of racks (I managed to escape by ulting) they smashed us mid and got our ancient down to 50%. We respawned and our Razor had a huge play triple killing their Troll, OM and BM we pushed mid and they bought back and rushed us but I ulted, we set them up perfectly and nailed them all down in a team fight and took their ancient heart was going mental as my ult gave way for the last teamfight haha.
Only went 9/3/9 but had quite a few plays where I ulted to let us set up and we wiped them so more than happy with how I played Naga, I'm rubbish at micro though so I just went Diffusal/Manta/Linkens/Drums and had good nuke using my illusions to up the damage in teamfights. Far from ideal I am sure but it helped!
75/110 on my all hero now. Kunka and Phoenix next though and only had 1 game as Kunka before and never played Phoenix so could be interesting
If you spent more time analysing pro games or even just practicing rather than giving us a play by play account of your games in trench tier you'd be bloomin amazing by now
Edit: oh and if you want free MMR play DOOM.....
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