*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I could have sold DC Hook for 70 quid the night it got patched but went to bed thinking it would be higher when I woke up. Doh.

I've sunk 180 hours into Dota2 and I still feel noob. Gg earlier those of you who were in it, sorry I was a Fail Lancer!
That was a gg, in hindsight PL was a bad pick as OD's orb attack does ridiculous damage to your illusions, hence he was just eating you and them every time :(

Least it wasn't a white wash game I don't mind losing as long as it's competitive :)
Yeah the game was alright, like above I prefer the ones where they stay competitive rather than the ones that are over in like 20mins.

I'll be on same time again on Wednesday and probably the rest of the week as well due to working lates :(
Im on for abit longer, on an awesome 6 loss streak atm.

Edit: 8 loss streak, not good :(
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does anyone know of a place to get beta keys? The reddit bot I used a while ago has apparently been disabled?

I think the silent ripper is worth 2-4 keys, not 100% sure, second best pull in that chest.

Other I'm not sure, maybe a key for double vision?
dotalounge is full of sharks never paying full price.

If you want a decent price guide go to dota2traders side chat get a few opinions and stick, barely anyone trades 1:1 as they are a pack of nobs.
How many do you need Azer, I have 10 to giveaway.

just one for a good mate. I'm a pretty hardened gamer, but have never played any MOBAs and know DOTA is hardcore in terms of a learning curve, so it would be great to learn with this buddy (both as noobs).

If I could grab one I would appreciate it :)

Not sure what I have to trade, but maybe I can give you some DOTA drops once I get into the game?
hmmm Mr Pesh isn't showing up in steam for me...

is it spelt right? Or you could add me from my sig? Or steam ID STEAM_0:1:20801

Sorry to hijack the thread btw...
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